中国日报网 2013-07-10 08:49

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Chinese warships leave port Vladivostok on Monday to take part in the largest naval drill jointly held by China and Russia. [Photo/Xinhua] |
Chinese and Russian naval forces left Vladivostok on Monday and arrived in the Sea of Japan, where they began the live-fire phase of a joint naval drill called "Joint Sea 2013", the largest-ever Sino-Russian exercise of its kind.
“实兵演习”一般称为live-fire drill, “联合军事演习”是joint military exercise/drill, 在这里“海上联合军事演习”就是joint naval drill。 Live-fire phase指的是实兵演习阶段,phase可指一个特定的阶段,如Now, dealing with a storm like this requires a three-phase approach: preparation, response and recovery.(现在处理这样的风暴需要三个阶段:准备、应对和恢复。)
这次海上演习出动的有包括destroyer(驱逐舰,)、frigate(护卫舰)、cruiser(巡洋舰)在内的各类warship(军舰)和supply ship(补给舰)。这次演习需要完成的课目包括anti-submarine operation(反潜行动),anti-ship operation(反舰行动), maritime air defense(海上防空),escort drills(护航演习),marine search(海上搜索),以及rescue operations(解救被挟持船舶行动)等。
(中国日报网英语点津 实习生 张益欣,编辑 Helen)