BBC Learning English 英语教学

"What are the different meanings of 'credit'? For example, what is the meaning of ‘credit’ in ‘tax credit’ and ‘in credit’? Does ‘credit’ mean money here? "

Li Bin

I am sure you know what a credit card is, but the word ‘credit’ can have different meanings; some relate to money, but there are other meanings, too.

Can you work out what ‘credit’ means in the following sentences?


My husband has a good credit history, so we are able to get the mortgage.

If you have children and want to claim child tax credit, contact the Tax Credit Helpline for a claim form.

It was my idea but my boss claimed all the credit!

All projects on the course count as credits towards our final degree.

I saw his name in the credits. Wow! He’s really famous now.

Listen to the programme to find out!

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