中国日报网 2014-06-20 15:53

XI. Both sides agreed to continue and deepen the already outstanding cooperation between the UK and China in promoting free trade, strengthen cooperation on the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone, and to encourage two-way trade and investment.
XII. Both sides welcomed their strong cooperation on people-centred and holistic urbanisation. In particular, both sides agreed to increase policy exchange and technological collaboration on low carbon urban planning, air and water pollution control, and healthcare development and reforms. Both sides welcomed the signing of the MOU on Strengthening Cooperation on Green and Low Carbon Urbanisation.
XIII. Both sides agreed to step up cooperation in aerospace and maritime development.
XIV. Both sides welcome the growing UK-China collaboration on healthcare development and reform.
XV. The UK agrees to work to promote and facilitate bilateral high-tech trade with China for civil end uses and civil end users.
XVI. Both sides agree on the importance of effective intellectual property (IP) protection to stimulate innovation and economic development. Both sides will work together to help British companies protect IP in China and Chinese companies protect IP in the UK. Both sides welcome cooperation activities between relevant agencies and agree to further exchanges on issues of mutual interest in terms of global IP frameworks.
XVII. Both sides agreed to further promote people-to-people exchange and cooperation to deepen mutual understanding and perception between the two peoples. The two sides agreed to set 2015 as a year of UK-China cultural exchange: the first half of the year for the UK season of culture in China; the second half of the year for the Chinese season of culture in the UK. The two sides would cooperate closely in this regard.
XVIII. Both sides see great value in cooperation between institutions of higher learning, primary and secondary schools, as well as exchanges among students and researchers, will deepen cooperation in higher education, technical, vocational and professional education, scientific research and innovation, and push forward Mandarin teaching in the UK and English teaching in China. China will send 10,000 government-sponsored students and scholars to the UK in the next five years, and the UK will send 80,000 students to China for study by 2020. Both sides welcome intern students from the other party.
XIX. Both sides attach importance to the China-UK Joint Scientific Innovation Fund, and will enable research and innovation in key areas which are priorities for both countries: health, environmental technologies, food and water, urbanisation, energy and education. The UK and China recognised their role as global leaders in science and innovation and stressed the importance of substantial investment in large scale facilities for pioneering research and future technologies. Both sides welcomed the launch of the program which will deliver Fellowships, PhD Partnerships, Science and Innovation Bridges and a Climate Science Partnership. China agreed to join the UK to promote the Square Kilometre Array.
XX. Both sides agreed to promote exchange and cooperation on cultural and creative industries, press and publication, radio, film and television. Both sides agreed to promote the translation of each other's contemporary literary classics.