中国日报网 2014-09-19 08:52
Jackie Chan and his son Jaycee Chan are seen in this file photo taken on June 5, 2012. [Photo/IC] |
Hong Kong actor and singer Jaycee Chan, son of kung fu superstar Jackie Chan, was officially arrested on charge of providing venues for drug users.
今年因为吸毒(taking/using drugs)而被拘留的艺人已经有好几位,他们使用的毒品从冰毒(ice/methamphetamine hydrochloride)到大麻(marijuana)均有所涉及。
在我国《刑法》规定中,跟毒品有关的罪名一共有12条,常见的有:非法持有毒品罪(illegal possession of drugs),容留他人吸毒罪(providing venues for drug users),走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪(smuggling, selling, trafficking and producing drugs)等。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)