沪江英语 2015-01-17 10:46

2015年金球奖 (Golden Globe Awards) 颁奖礼已经落下帷幕,各类奖项也都有了主人。我们今天来看看参加颁奖礼的明星那天都说了些啥。
Joanne Froggatt
Joanne Froggatt to the rape survivor who wrote to her following her award-winning storyline on Downton Abbey
“I’d just like to say, I heard you, and I hope saying this so publicly means, in some way, you feel the world hears you.”
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Maggie Gyllenhaal, accepting her award for The Honourable Woman
“When I look around the room at the women who are in here and I think about the performances I’ve watched this year, what I see actually are women who are sometimes powerful, sometimes not, sometimes sexy, sometimes not, sometimes honourable, sometimes not ... that’s what I think is revolutionary, evolutionary, and that’s what’s turning me on.”
Lena Dunham
Best TV actress nominee Lena Dunham on her red carpet look
“I’m wearing Zac Posen, my former babysitter. I’m sure my parents paid him $4.75 an hour – it was the late 90s.”