BBC Learning English 英语教学


"Hi there, I'm Wing from Hong Kong. I'd like to ask how to describe somebody who has drunk a lot? My classmate said it should be something like "breath smells of an alcohol", but I found it quite odd. Could you explain that for me? Thank you in advance."


香港的 Wing 同学给我们来信问应何用英语来描述某人喝酒喝多了。她的同学说形容一个人喝多了应该说“breath smells of alcohol”但她觉得这个表达很怪。“Breath smells of alcohol”这句话好比汉语里某某“嘴里一股酒气”。不过英国人一般这么形容某人喝多了。

熟悉英国文化的朋友们肯定都知道,现代英国人对酒可是情有独终,格外眷恋。朋友小聚助兴或大型派对庆祝,酒可是“无处不在”。据英国啤酒和酒吧协会 the British Beer and Pub Association 统计的数据显示,啤酒和酒吧每年给英国的国内生产总值 GDP 贡献近220亿英镑,给国家带来110亿英镑的税收。从而可见英国人在酒上可真是花不少钱呢!


Tipsy 微醉的,有点醉意的

Merry 微醉的

Drunk 喝醉的

Pickled 喝醉的 (俚语)

Wasted 喝得大醉 (俚语)

Hammered 烂醉(俚语)

Plastered 烂醉如泥的

Trolleyed 酩酊大醉的

Inebriated 酒醉的

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