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重拾经典 Back to the Classics

英语学习杂志 2015-02-10 15:30


the world for more than one right answer or point of view.[1] Perhaps the theme of the novel was expressed through the most memorable character: Atticus Finch. Throughout the entire novel, he stood as a symbol of morality and justice, whether that was undertaking a doomed trial defending a black man or while raising his children to become independent thinkers.[2] His iron conviction stemmed from the philosophy that he taught his children, and pervaded the whole book:[3] “If you truly want to know someone, walk in their shoes for a day.” Simple words, but as I reached the last pages, a single tear rolled down my eye as this moral returned to conclude this magnificent tale showcasing the bounds of human goodness and hatred. This was a sombre tale, but nonetheless explores the question of whether humans can truly empathize with one another, and thereby find peace.[4]

Yet not every classic must be as grave as To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain, demonstrated that classics could convey truths just as profound and not lose a sense of levity.[5] Set in the period right before the Civil War in America, Tom Sawyer brought to life the titular character and his shenanigans in sleepy town in Missouri.[6] Although the actual storyline of this classic might seem random[7], but it is exactly this lack of order that captures the freedom and innocence that childhood represents. But perhaps the greatest aspect of this novel was the


[1]. 从爱搞恶作剧到目睹了一次最终以根深蒂固的种族歧视而并非切实证据告终的法庭审理,这些经历让斯科特开始意识到这个世界上可能有不止一个答案或是观点。pull prank: 开玩笑;courtroom trial: 法庭审理;ingrained: 根深蒂固的;concrete: 具体的;

[2]. 在整部小说,他都是一个美德和正义的化身,无论是他挺身而出为一个黑人进行早已有了定论的庭审辩论,抑或是他将自己的孩子们培养为能够独立思考的人。doomed: 注定的;

[3]. conviction: 信念;stem from: 源自,来自;pervade: 弥漫,遍及。

[4]. sombre: 阴沉的,忧郁的;empathize: 感同身受。

[5]. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 《汤姆·索亚历险记》是美国小说家马克·吐温在1876年发表的代表作品,通过描写主人公汤姆·索亚的冒险经历,讽刺和批判了美国当时的社会习俗和学校教育;levity: 轻松,活跃。

[6]. titular: 有名无实的;shenanigan: 恶作剧。

[7]. random: 随意的,任意的。

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