中国日报网 2015-06-15 10:33
Data collection and analysis for this year's review of the SDR basket has started, and the IMF team will discuss technical issues with Chinese officials. [Photo/IC]
A team from the International Monetary Fund has arrived in Beijing to assess whether the yuan should be included in the Special Drawing Rights basket, according to a statement from the Washington-based organization.
“特别提款权货币篮子”可以用英文Special Drawing Rights(SDR) basket表示,特别提款权(special drawing right,SDR),是国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)1969年创设的一种储备资产(reserve asset)和记账单位(accounting unit),亦称“纸黄金(Paper Gold)”,其价值目前由美元、欧元、日元和英镑四种货币组成的一篮子货币(a basket of currencies)决定。
分析认为,人民币已经大体满足IMF现行“可自由使用货币”(freely usable currency)的条件,也满足可能成为新标准的“储备资产标准”(Reserve Asset Criteria,RAC)的要求。如果人民币加入SDR的预期在今年得以实现,则代表着国际上对人民币国际储备货币(international reserve currency)地位的正式认可,这将对人民币国际化产生积极推动。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)