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中国日报网 2015-07-13 10:55




Xi urges business community to contribute to BRICS development

Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at a business meeting during the 7th BRICS summit in Ufa, Russia, July 9, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]


Economic and trade cooperation among the BRICS countries is in a period of vigorous development, he said, adding that he hopes the business community would make new contributions to promoting BRICS cooperation and advancing economic development in these countries.

The business community should strengthen communication with and offer advices and suggestions to the government, make effort to implement the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy and contribute to a closer economic partnership.



BRICS summit condemns WWII 'misrepresentation'

(L-R)Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and South African President Jacob Zuma smile at a group photo session during the 7th BRICS summit in Ufa, Russia July 9, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]


We need to build a partnership for common development. For the purpose of building a value chain of shared benefits and a big market of integrated interests. We should build an even closer partnership, leverage our complementary strengths in resource endowment and industrial structures, and expand our development horizons through collective efforts.

We should strive for simultaneous progress in building the BRICS Development Bank headquarters and its African regional center so that they will become operational more quickly and bear fruits sooner.

The BRICS nations should draw lesson from history, abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, to jointly safeguard world and regional peace and stability.

Though the trend of peace and development has gained stronger momentum, the world today still faces threats posed by regional turbulence and non-traditional challenges, including terrorism, drug, pandemic and natural disasters.The BRICS nations should pursue the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, enhance coordination and mutual support, and join hands to deal with those global challenges.

The more difficulties we face, the more confidence we must have. We should be aware that any progress is not made along a straight line, but with twists and turns.



SCO ready to include India, Pakistan as members

President Xi Jinping and other SCO leaders pose for a photo at the summit in Ufa, Russia, on Friday. Associated Press


We should continue to observe the Shanghai spirit and other principles governing international relations championed by the SCO. These are to safeguard international fairness and justice, to advocate multilateralism and the ideal of opening up, to respect each other's interests, oppose interference in other countries' internal affairs, solve disputes through peaceful means, and boost common win-win development.

The SCO should continue to stand as a staunch force of safeguarding the outcomes of the victory of WWII, and allow no one to distort history and trample on peace.

The SCO should enhance security cooperation with Afghanistan, help its security forces strengthen capability building, and play a bigger role in the process of national reconciliation and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan.

China is willing to strengthen investment cooperation with other SCO members via the platform of the China-Eurasia Economic Cooperation Fund and the Silk Road Fund, focusing on large infrastructure projects, resources exploitation, industry and finance.

China will invite 200 young people from the SCO member states every year to participate in a youth exchange camp program, which will be held in China from 2016 to 2021. China will complete its summer camp program for 2,000 primary and middle school students from other member states by 2018.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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