中国日报网 2016-11-24 10:49

Greater momentum of growth
国家主席习近平19日在秘鲁利马出席亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会并发表题为《深化伙伴关系 增强发展动力》的主旨演讲。
Asia-Pacific is now at a critical stage. With unsurpassed economic aggregate and vibrancy, the Asia-Pacific must lead the way and take strong and coordinated actions to energize the world economy and create new opportunities for global growth.
First, we should promote an open and integrated economy.
Second, we should enhance connectivity to achieve interconnected development.
Third, we should boost reform and innovation to create more internal driving force.
Fourth, we should promote win-win cooperation to forge strong partnership.
Since becoming an APEC member 25 years ago, China has, together with other members, pursued development and shared prosperity, advanced opening-up and deepened integration, blazed new trails and taken bold initiatives, and pursued shared development based on mutual respect and assistance.
Progress and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific
亚太经合组织第二十四次领导人非正式会议20日在秘鲁利马举行。国家主席习近平出席并发表题为《面向未来开拓进取 促进亚太发展繁荣》的重要讲话,强调要深化亚太伙伴关系,以开放谋共赢,以融合促繁荣,不断开拓进取,共创亚太发展的美好未来。
We need to stay committed to taking economic globalization forward, steer it towards a more inclusive and mutually beneficial direction and oppose all forms of protectionism.
We need to stay committed to increasing openness in the Asia-Pacific economy, support the multilateral trading regime, and realize the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) at an early date.
We need to stay committed to breaking bottlenecks in regional connectivity, and deeply implement the Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025 adopted in Beijing. We need to promote connectivity in infrastructure, institutions and personnel flows, and have a multi-dimensional connectivity network. We need to enhance the docking between the "Belt and Road" initiative and development strategies as well as cooperation initiatives of relevant parties.
We need to stay committed to blazing new trails in reform and innovation, advance economic structural reform, and create impetus for the Asia-Pacific to lead the world economy.
As the 2020 deadline of Bogor Goals draws near, we need to be more forward-looking in our cooperation and build consensus for a cooperation vision with a longer time frame. With a focus on development, China will work with other parties to increase openness, pursue regional economic integration and connectivity, and jointly write an exciting chapter of Asia-Pacific cooperation.