中国日报网 2017-06-20 10:44
Photo taken on June 9, 2017, shows combustible ice. The success marks a historic breakthrough after nearly 20 years of continuous efforts and independent innovations by China in theory, technology, engineering and equipment for natural gas hydrate exploration and exploitation. [Photo/VCG] |
China has moved up the list of the world's top 25 innovative economies, rising three notches from 25 to 22, with strong performance in several indicators, according to the latest Global Innovation Index (GII) released last week.
全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index,GII)由世界知识产权组织、康奈尔大学以及英士国际商学院联合发布,该指数自2007年起每年发布,现已成为首要的基准工具,为全球范围内的企业高管、政策制定者等所使用。全球创新指数通过81项指标,对全球127个经济体的创新能力和可衡量成果进行评估,指标体系的81项指标分为制度(institutions)、人力资本与研究(human capital and research)、基础设施(infrastructure)、市场成熟度(market sophistication)、商业成熟度(business sophistication)、知识与技术产出(knowledge and technology outputs )、创意产出(creative outputs)等7大类。
报告显示,中国是唯一与发达国家经济体创新差距不断缩小的中等收入国家(the only middle-income economy edging closer to high-income economies in innovation),已经成功跻身全球创新领导者行列。在7大类指标中,中国在制度、人力资本与研究、基础设施、知识与技术产出、创意产出等5大类均有所提升。
2016年以来,我国在科技创新方面取得了不少成绩,比如,首个X射线太空望远镜的发射(the launch of its first X-ray space telescope)、世界首个量子计算机的研发(development of the world's first quantum computing machine)、国产C919客机首飞(the debut of its home-grown C919 passenger jet)以及可燃冰试采成功(successful sampling of combustible ice)等。
创新是我国“十三五”规划的核心,规划提出,我国到2020年进入创新型国家行列(becoming an innovative nation)、2030年跻身创新型国家前列(becoming an international leader in innovation)、到2050年建成世界科技创新强国(becoming a world powerhouse of scientific and technological innovation)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)