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中国日报网 2018-09-18 10:43



本届论坛以“共商、共建、共享、共用‘一带一路’空间信息走廊”为主题,由国家航天局和广西壮族自治区人民政府联合主办,旨在推进“一带一路”空间信息走廊在东盟国家应用(promote the Belt and Road space information corridor among ASEAN member states),让中国航天技术和成果惠及东盟国家。



Speaking at the China-ASEAN Cooperation and Development Forum of the Belt and Road Space Information Corridor, Wu Yanhua, deputy head of China National Space Administration, said the CNSA will further explore a technical, financial cooperation model suitable for the common development of China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations members. He also said efforts will be made to establish a market-oriented, open and win-win satellite service network in which enterprises will play a pivotal role.

2016年中国出台《关于加快推进“一带一路”空间信息走廊建设与应用的指导意见》,提出要充分利用已有和规划发展的遥感、通信、导航等卫星资源(existing and planned satellite data resources such as remote sensing,communication and navigation),补充建设地面信息服务网络(build a ground information service network),开展空间信息在“一带一路”核心支点的应用示范,在空间信息领域为“一带一路”沿线国家和地区贡献“中国方案(Chinese solutions)”。

吴艳华介绍,目前,中国在轨卫星数量已累计超过200余颗(more than 200 satellites in service),形成通信、导航、遥感、空间科学等系列,空间信息正加快与大数据(big data)、云计算(cloud computing)、物联网(Internet of Things)等高技术融合,并广泛服务于东盟沿线国家和地区。

China will promote high-quality, highly efficient and sustainable construction, cooperation and communication facilities, and share the collected information with ASEAN through the Belt and Road space information corridor.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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