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Novel antibiotic effectively kills bacteria 新型抗生素能有效杀灭细菌


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Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics is making some infections incredibly difficult to treat, and new drugs are in scarce supply. Cefiderocol uses a new clever approach. It sticks to the mineral iron which bacteria need to absorb in order to survive. Once Cefiderocol is smuggled inside the bacterial cell, it kills it.

对抗生素产生抗药性的细菌让一些感染变得极难治疗,而且新药的供应也很稀缺。这款名叫 “Cefiderocol” 的药物用了一种巧妙的新方法。它附着在铁这种细菌需要通过吸收才能生存的矿物质上。一旦 “Cefiderocol” 潜入细菌的细胞内,它就会杀死细菌。

The antibiotic has been tested on nearly 450 people with either a kidney or urinary tract infection. Much larger trials are needed but the results reported in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal show the new antibiotic appears to be as effective as current treatments.


1. 词汇

bacteria 细菌(复数)
resistant 对…有抵抗能力的
antibiotics 抗生素
absorb 吸收
smuggled 潜入
bacterial cell 细菌细胞
kidney 肾脏
urinary tract 尿路
infection 感染
infectious (疾病)具传染性的

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。 

1. Why can some infections be difficult to kill?

2. How does Cefiderocol work?

3. True or False: There has been no trialling of this drug at all.

4. Is Cefiderocol as good at treating bacterial infections as current antibiotics?

3. 答案

1. Why can some infections be difficult to kill?
Some infections can be difficult to treat because bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics and new drugs are in scarce supply.

2. How does Cefiderocol work?
Cefiderocol sticks to iron, which gets absorbed into the bacterial cell. Once inside, it kills it.

3. True or False: There has been no trialling of this drug at all.
False. The antibiotic has been tested on nearly 450 people with either a kidney or urinary tract infection.

4. Is Cefiderocol as good at treating bacterial infections as current antibiotics?
The results reported in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal show the new antibiotic appears to be as effective as current treatments.




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