全国排查校外培训机构40万余所 年底前初步整改完
中国日报网 2018-12-14 13:36
China has been carrying out comprehensive inspections of all after-school training institutions to ensure that those not meeting government standards make prompt corrections by the end of this year, the Ministry of Education said on Thursday.
教育部基础教育司司长(director of the ministry's Basic Education Department)吕玉刚表示,截至12日,全国共排查校外培训机构40万余所,已经完成排查工作(more than 400,000 after-school training institutions from across the country had been inspected),发现其中有27.3万所校外培训机构不符合标准(not up to the standards),目前已有24.8万所已对大纲进行调整(have their programs changed)。
教育部副部长朱之文指出,解决校外培训火爆的问题必须标本兼治(address both its symptoms and root causes)、内外联动、堵疏结合。一方面,对现有的培训予以规范,该整治的整治,该取缔的取缔,合法合规地办培训。另一方面,要完善治理(improve governance),加强监管,建立长效机制(build long-term mechanism)。同时还要在教育教学改革(education reform)、学校管理等方面共同发力,让中小学的功能充分发挥,减少学生校外培训的需求,最大限度挤压校外培训的空间。
据介绍,教育部等四部门今年年初联合印发通知,开展中小学校外培训机构专项治理(special rectification)。根据该通知,校外培训机构开展学科类培训内容、招生对象、上课时间等要向所在地教育行政部门进行登记备案(submit their course curricula, enrollment targets and class hours to local education authorities for registration)。
They are not allowed to organize graded examinations or conduct competitions for primary and secondary school students, and the training results from these institutions cannot be used as criteria for future enrollment in primary and middle schools.
Teachers who lure or coerce students to attend extra training will be dealt with seriously or even stripped of their teaching credentials.
教育部还出台了关于规范校外培训机构发展的意见,加强制度建设(improve institutions)。同时支持各地中小学结合实际开展形式多样的课后服务,着力让广大中小学生在校内就能基本满足学习需求(meet their learning needs)。
一是建立全国校外培训机构数据库(build a database of after-school training institutions across the country),将所有校外培训机构纳入数据库管理范畴;
三是建立健全相关的管理制度,如黑白名单制度(blacklist and white list system)、审批制度、公示制度等,列入黑名单的严禁再开展培训;
四是建立部门联合审批、联合管理机制,加大对违规行为惩治力度(reinforce punishment against irregularities),形成综合治理合力。
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
教学大纲 teaching syllabus
超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus
招生对象 enrollment targets
课外活动 extracurricular activities
应试教育 exam-oriented education
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)