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CHINADAILY手机报 2018-12-22 08:30


一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending news。




1. 改革开放40周年大会,习近平这些金句振奋人心!


Hunger, shortage and poverty that plagued Chinese people for thousands of years have been generally left behind.

What we have achieved in the past 40 years is not a godsend, still less a gift from others. It comes from the hard work, wisdom and courage of all members of the Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China.

In considering and introducing a policy, we must first and foremost ensure the backing, approval and endorsement of the people. We must act in line with our people's aspirations, respect their views and ideas, care about their worries and concerns and commit to improving their livelihood.

There is no textbook or golden rule to follow for reform and development in China, a country with over 5000 years of civilization and more than 1.3 billion people. No one is in the position to dictate to the Chinese people what should or should not be done.

With firm political resolve and strong capability to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity, we will never allow any of our sacred territory, not even an inch, to be separated from the motherland!

A great dream will not come true through waiting or chanting slogans; it can only be fulfilled with hard work and perseverance. We are now in a state very much like sailing to the midstream of a river or climbing halfway up a mountain, as the goings get tough, we must press ahead and there's no turning back.

Conviction, commitment and confidence matter at all times. With these traits, an individual, a group or a political party, a people, or even a country, would always emerge stronger from setbacks. But without them, one would easily give up and lose the courage to fight.

The untold sufferings, heavy sacrifices, and heroic struggles of the Chinese people and Chinese nation have fostered a mighty energy over a long course of history. Today, such an energy has been brought out and offers an irresistible driving force for our national rejuvenation.

Turning China into a great modern socialist country and achieving national rejuvenation is like a relay race, in which the baton is passed on from generation to generation. Every generation must strive for a good score for the sake of future ones.

We will stay committed to the reform and opening-up and see that our people realize their aspirations for a better life. In this way, we will create new and even greater miracles of the Chinese nation in the new era, miracles that will truly impress the world!


2. 年度汉语字词
Chinese Character and Word of the Year

"Striving" and "the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up" have been respectively chosen as the Chinese Character and Word of the Year 2018 in China.

由国家语言资源监测与研究中心(National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center)、商务印书馆等单位联合主办的"汉语盘点2018"活动20日在京揭晓。"奋"、"改革开放四十年"、"退(exit/quit)"和"贸易摩擦(trade friction)"分别当选年度国内字、国内词、国际字和国际词(international Chinese Character and Word of the Year)。

"奋"是振奋人心(inspiring),是奋发图强(striving to be strong),是奋勇拼搏(pressing ahead),也是奋不顾身(courageous and daring)。在波澜壮阔的新时代画卷中,奋斗本身就是一种幸福。

今年迎来"改革开放四十年",从开启新时期到跨入新世纪,从站上新起点到进入新时代,我国在各方面取得了伟大成就(China has made significant achievements in various fields)。改革开放只有进行时,没有完成时(reform and opening-up is an ongoing process and we will never stop),我们应不忘初心,牢记使命,将改革开放进行到底。

2018年,"退"字诀横扫三大洲。美国退出伊朗核协议(the Iran nuclear deal)、联合国人权理事会(the United Nations Human Rights Council);英国脱欧协议(the Brexit deal)草案出炉。各国"退群"目的不同,但都是国家利益使然。

美国对中国商品加征关税(impose additional tariffs on Chinese goods),引发"贸易摩擦"。经济全球化是大势所趋,和平与发展是民心所向(Economic globalization is the trend of the times, and peace and development represent the shared aspiration of all peoples)。对中美两国来说,合作是唯一正确的选择,共赢才能通向更好的未来(only a win-win approach will lead to a better future)。

据介绍,"汉语盘点"活动至今已举办13年,旨在"用一个字、一个词描述当年的中国和世界(describe China and the world over the past year in a single Chinese character or word)",鼓励全民用语言记录生活,描述中国视野下的社会变迁(social change)和世界万象。年度汉字评选,是使用汉字地区的一项评选活动。近年来,中国、日本、马来西亚和新加坡等国家和地区都会评选最具代表性的年度汉字。2018年,日本年度汉字为"灾",马来西亚年度汉字为"变",我国台湾地区年度汉字为"翻"。

年度词 word of the year
流行词 buzzword
社交媒体词汇 social media vocabulary
表情包 emoji package
缩写 abbreviation


3. 累计预扣法
cumulative withholding method

A new system for calculating individual income tax will take effect from Jan 1, the State Administration of Taxation said Thursday. For residents, tax will be assessed by the cumulative withholding method and paid monthly.

新修改的个人所得税法将于2019年1月1日正式实施。12月20日,国家税务总局发布了《关于全面实施新个人所得税法若干征管衔接问题的公告》,对扣缴义务人对居民个人工资、薪金所得,劳务报酬(remuneration for labor services)所得,稿酬所得(income from author's remuneration),特许权使用费(loyalties)所得预扣预缴个人所得税(personal income tax)的计算方法,以及对非居民个人上述四项所得扣缴个人所得税的计算方法进行明确。

《公告》明确了居民个人的工资、薪金所得在缴纳个人所得税时,日常采取累计预扣法(cumulative withholding method)进行预扣预缴;劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,采取基本平移现行规定的做法预扣预缴。根据《公告》,年度预扣预缴税额(the amount of tax paid in advance)与年度应纳税额不一致的,由居民个人于次年3月1日至6月30日向主管税务机关(tax authority)办理综合所得年度汇算清缴,税款多退少补。

国家税务总局相关负责人表示,累计预扣法主要是通过各月累计收入减去对应扣除,对照综合所得税率表计算累计应缴税额(tax payable),再减去已缴税额,确定本期应缴税额的一种方法。这种方法一方面对于大部分只有一处工资薪金所得的纳税人(most taxpayers with only one source of income of wages and salaries),纳税年度终了时预扣预缴的税款基本上等于年度应纳税款,因此无须再办理自行纳税申报、汇算清缴(final settlement);另一方面,对需要补退税的纳税人,预扣预缴的税款与年度应纳税款差额相对较小,不会占用纳税人过多资金。

对于非居民(non-resident)个人扣缴方法,《公告》指出,非居民个人的工资、薪金所得,以每月收入额减除费用5000元后的余额为应纳税所得额(the amount of taxable income);劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,以每次收入额为应纳税所得额,适用按月换算后的非居民个人月度税率表计算应纳税额。其中,劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得以收入减除20%的费用后的余额(the balance of income after deducting 20% of expenses)为收入额。稿酬所得的收入额减按70%计算。

专项附加扣除 special additional deduction
个税起征点 personal income tax threshold
可支配收入 disposable income
双重征税 double taxation
源泉扣缴 withholding of tax at source
优惠税率 preferential tax rate


4. 加息
rate hike

The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday and said it was keeping the core of its plan to tighten monetary policy intact even as central bank officials said they would likely slow the pace of further rate increases next year.

美联储官员一致决定,将联邦基金利率目标区间再上调25个基点(lift the target range for the federal funds rate by another quarter point),至2.25%-2.5%。这标志着美联储今年内的第四次加息(the Fed's fourth rate hike this year),也是自2015年底以来的第九次加息,美联储正沿着货币政策正常化(monetary policy normalization)的道路前进。

美联储官员还将其对2019年美国经济增速的预测(their forecast for US economic growth in 2019)从此前的2.5%下调至2.3%。根据联邦基金利率的预估中值(median forecast for the federal funds rate),由于预计美国经济将有所放缓,美联储官员估计明年将加息两次(envision two rate hikes next year),少于9月预估的三次。即便如此,美联储设定的升息路径仍比许多市场人士预期的更为激进。

近几年来,美联储持续加息,以减少货币政策给经济带来的提振(reduce the boost that monetary policy gives to the economy)。美国经济目前的增速快于美联储认为可持续的水平。然而,人们担心随着特朗普政府的支出举措和1.5万亿美元减税计划带来的财政刺激逐渐消退,加之全球经济放缓(the global economy slows),明年美国经济可能不容乐观(enter choppy waters)。

货币政策 monetary policy
经济温和扩张 moderate economic expansion
存款准备金率 required reserve ratio
贷款基础利率 Loan Prime Rate, LPR
利率 interest rate
市场波动 market volatility


5. 退押金
deposit refund

Over 12 million users of bike-sharing firm Ofo have requested deposit refunds as of Friday, with the company possibly owing in excess of 1 billion yuan to its riders.

近日,Ofo小黄车因为退押金(deposit refund)问题被推上了舆论的风口浪尖。Ofo公司北京总部数百名用户排队退押金(hundreds of users lined up at Ofo's Beijing headquarters to get their deposits refunded)、假装外国人Ofo秒退押金(pretend to be foreigners and Ofo returns deposits in seconds)等消息,引爆了Ofo退押金的热潮。

本月17日晚,Ofo官方微博公布退押金新政(new deposit return policy),表示所有退押金申请,无论线上线下,都将统一进行收集和审核(all deposit refund applications, online or offline, will be collected and reviewed),公司会按申请顺序退还押金(the deposit will be refunded in order of application)。目前排队人数已经突破1200万,按照每名用户99-199元押金来算,待退押金或超过10亿元。2017年11月,Ofo用户超过两亿。千万用户集体退押金,意味着大量用户将流失,Ofo营收可能面临雪崩式下滑。

针对"大量用户到Ofo总部排队现场退押金"一事,交通运输部新闻发言人吴春耕回应称,正督促Ofo畅通退押金渠道(smooth channels to return deposits),优化退押金流程,加快退款进度(speed up refund procedures),切实保障用户合法权益(protect the legitimate rights and interests of users)。

据中国执行信息公开网披露,深陷困境的(beleaguered, in hot water)Ofo小黄车和它的创始人戴威收到了法院颁出的限制消费令(be issued consumption restrictions by a court)。该公司及戴威本人不得坐飞机及软卧(be forbidden from taking an airplane as well as the soft berths in trains)、不能在星级宾馆等场合消费。

双标处理 two-faced treatment
极速退款 speedy refund
临时服务器迁移 temporary server migration
联合收购 joint buyout
预付费 pre-payment

(编辑:彭娜 刘明 丁一)

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