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Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected 来自遥远深空的神秘信号



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Fast radio bursts, or FRBs as they're known, last for just a thousandth of a second. But what they lack in duration, they more than make up for in power. Astronomers have detected them from distant galaxies that are billions of trillions of miles away.

快速射电暴,又称 “FRBs”,只持续千分之一秒。但它们在持续时间上所缺乏的,在力量上完全可以弥补。天文学家已经在数万亿英里之外的遥远星系中发现了它们。

Researchers have no clear explanation for how they are formed, but theories ranged from the far-fetched, that they're pulses powering alien starships, to the relatively prosaic, that they are a result of the collision of two dying stars.


The mystery deepened last year with the detection of a repeated FRB from the same location, which ruled out the idea that this was the result of a destructive process. Now, Dr Shriharsh Tendulkar and colleagues at McGill University in Montreal have discovered a second repeating FRB.

去年,这个谜团随着在同一地点检测到的一个反复出现的 FRB 进一步加深,也因而排除了认为这是一个破坏过程结果的观点。现在,蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的施里哈什·坦杜卡博士和他的同事们发现了第二种重复快速射电暴。

What's especially exciting about fast radio bursts is that they interact with every electron and every magnetic field they encounter on their intergalactic journey. This means that embedded within these bursts is a record of their voyage across deep space. And so FRBs can in effect, be used as probes to study the distant galaxies from which they come.


1. 词汇

fast radio bursts 快速电波爆发
duration 持续时间
astronomers 天文学家
distant galaxies 遥远的星系
far-fetched 难以置信的
pulses 脉冲
starships 星舰,星际飞船
prosaic 平淡无奇的
collision 碰撞
ruled out 排除了
destructive 破坏性的
electron 电子
magnetic field 电场
intergalactic 星系际的
voyage 航行
deep space 深空
probes 探测工具,探测器

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? Scientists are not exactly sure how fast radio bursts are formed.

2. How long do fast radio bursts last?

3. What can fast radio bursts be used as?

4. Which word in the text means ‘the act of discovering something’?

3. 答案

1. True or false? Scientists are not exactly sure how fast radio bursts are formed.
True. Researchers have no clear explanation for how they are formed. There are a number of theories.

2. How long do fast radio bursts last?
Fast radio bursts last for just a thousandth of a second.

3. What can fast radio bursts be used as?
Fast radio bursts can in effect be used as probes to study the distant galaxies from which they come.

4. Which word in the text means ‘the act of discovering something’?




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