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The one about Friends still being most popular 电视剧《老友记》仍深受欢迎



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美国情景喜剧《老友记》十五年前剧终,但一份关注年轻人媒介使用方式的调查报告显示,它仍然是英国年轻人最喜爱的电视节目。《老友记》的故事背景设定在纽约,讲述了六个好友在生活中遇到的起起落落。现在,人们观看这部剧的方式与上个世纪 90 年代首播时大不相同。


The theme tune says, ‘I'll be there for you.’ And for young viewers, Friends is just that – always there, available on demand for binge-viewing, and back-to-back episodes on Netflix.

《老友记》主题曲中有一句歌词:“我会陪伴在你左右。” 对于年轻观众来讲,它正如歌里唱的那样,一直都在,你可以随时上 Netflix 一集接一集地连着看。

The show about the ups and downs of a group of friends in New York was first screened 25 years ago, four years before Google was launched.

这部剧讲述住了一群好友在纽约生活遇到的起起落落,25 年前首播,比谷歌问世的时间早了 4 年。

It's now become the favourite show of a young online generation. But for any parents hoping to share some nostalgic television with their children, the report says teenagers are more likely to prefer watching the show on their own and on a mobile phone.


1. 词汇

theme tune 主题曲
viewers 观众
on demand 视频点播服务
binge-viewing 连续 “刷” 剧
back-to-back 一个接一个的,连续的
episodes (电视、广播节目)集
screened 播出
online generation 网络一代
nostalgic 怀旧的

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? Young viewers can no longer watch Friends.

2. What is the show about?

3. How are teenagers more likely to prefer watching the show, according to the report?

4. Which expression in the text means ‘a mixture of good and bad experiences’?

3. 答案

1. True or false? Young viewers can no longer watch Friends.
False. For young viewers, Friends is always there, available on demand for binge-watching, back-to-back episodes on Netflix.

2. What is the show about?
The show is about the ups and downs of a group of friends in New York.

3. How are teenagers more likely to prefer watching the show, according to the report?
The report says teenagers are more likely to prefer watching the show on their own and on a mobile phone.

4. Which expression in the text means ‘a mixture of good and bad experiences’?
Ups and downs.




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