BBC Learning English 英语教学



'Know your cholesterol like you know your Pin code' 像熟记银行密码一样记住自己的胆固醇值


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Cardiovascular disease, which contributes to heart attacks, stroke and dementia, is the main cause of premature death and disability in England, accounting for one death every four minutes.


But the underlying conditions that lead to the onset of cardiovascular disease, such as an abnormal heart rhythm known as atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure or high cholesterol can develop without any obvious symptoms.


It's thought that more than five million people in England alone are currently living with undiagnosed high blood pressure. So health experts are now calling for a concerted effort to improve the number of people over 40 who access NHS health checks, often via their GP or practice nurse. Doctors say we all know our bank Pin numbers, but not the important numbers relating to our blood pressure and cholesterol that could save our lives.

人们认为,仅在英格兰就有 500 多万人目前虽患有高血压却未被确诊。所以,健康专家现在正呼吁大家齐心协力,提高 40 岁以上人群接受英国国家医疗服务体系健康检查的人数,检查大多通过全科医生或诊所护士来安排。医生说,我们都记得自己的银行密码,却不知道能挽救我们生命的血压和胆固醇值是多少。

1. 词汇

cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病
heart attacks 心脏病发作
stroke 中风
dementia 失智症
premature 过早的
disability 残疾
accounting for 导致,引起
abnormal 异常的
heart rhythm 心律
atrial fibrillation 心房颤动
high blood pressure 高血压
high cholesterol 高胆固醇
undiagnosed 未确诊的
concerted effort 齐心协力
Pin “personal identification number 个人身份识别码” 的缩写,即办理银行业务时输入的密码

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? It is believed that in England alone more than five million people suffering from high blood pressure have not been identified by doctors.

2. What is the main cause of premature death and disability in England?

3. What do our Pin numbers have to do with the report?

4. Which word in the text means ‘difficult to discover and not obvious ’?

3. 答案

1. True or false? It is believed that in England alone more than five million people suffering from high blood pressure have not been identified by doctors.
It's thought that more than five million people in England alone are currently living with undiagnosed high blood pressure.

2. What is the main cause of premature death and disability in England?
Cardiovascular disease, which contributes to heart attacks, stroke and dementia, is the main cause of premature death and disability in England.

3. What do our Pin numbers have to do with the report?
Doctors say we all know our bank Pin numbers, but not the important numbers relating to our blood pressure and cholesterol that could save our lives.

4. Which word in the text means ‘difficult to discover and not obvious ’?




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