BBC Learning English 英语教学


UK’s Museum of the Year 2019年英国 “年度博物馆奖”

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由重建的多个古建筑组成的威尔士博物馆被评为 2019 年英国 “年度博物馆”。“圣法根(St Fagans):自然历史博物馆” 从其它四个竞争者中脱颖而出,赢得了十万英镑的奖金。


St Fagans National Museum of History might be just off the M4 (motorway) near Cardiff but it is a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of 21st Century life.

虽然圣法根就位于卡迪夫附近的 M4 高速公路旁,但它与 21 世纪喧闹嘈杂的生活相去甚远。

Set in 100 acres of parkland, it is home to over 50 relocated, re-erected historic Welsh buildings that act as time capsules, revealing the cultural and social history of the country - from an Iron Age farmstead to a 1940s prefab bungalow.

这所博物馆坐落于 100 英亩的绿地上,聚集了 50 多个经过搬迁及重建的威尔士历史建筑,这些建筑把具有时代特征的文物凝聚、定格,展现了威尔士地区的文化和社会史 —— 从铁器时代的农舍到四十年代的活动平房。

The Museum of the Year panel was particularly impressed by the approach St Fagans took to its recently completed £30M redevelopment, which involved collaborating with many thousands of visitors and volunteers to create what the judges described as: “one of the most welcoming and engaging museums anywhere in the UK.”

让 “年度博物馆奖” 评审专家小组印象最深刻的是,圣法根近期完成了耗资三千万英镑的重建项目,包括与成千上万名游客及志愿者合作,共同创造了被评审们称作 “最热情好客、最具吸引力的博物馆之一”。

1. 词汇

a million miles away 相去甚远
hustle and bustle 喧嚣嘈杂、熙熙攘攘
relocated 被重新安置
time capsules 封藏特定时代文物的 “时间胶囊”
social history 社会史
farmstead 农舍及附近的建筑群
prefab bungalow 预制活动平房
panel 专家小组
collaborating 合作、协作
engaging 吸引人的

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? St Fagans museum is located a million miles away from Cardiff.

2. Which time period in history does this museum focus on?

3. Who helped to redevelop the museum?

4. How many historic buildings were moved to the museum and put on display?

3. 答案

1. True or false? St Fagans museum is located a million miles away from Cardiff.
False. St Fagans is located close to the city of Cardiff but feels like it is a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of 21st Century life.

2.  Which time period in history does this museum focus on?
Buildings for all time periods are on display, from an Iron Age farmstead to a1940s prefab bungalow.

3. Who helped to redevelop the museum?
Thousands of visitors and volunteers collaborated (worked together) to help redevelop the museum.

4. How many historic buildings were moved to the museum and put on display?
Over 50 historic Welsh buildings were relocated and re-erected at the museum.




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