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Titanic sub dive reveals parts are being lost to sea 深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重


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This is the sound of a submersible taking divers to the Titanic for the first time in nearly fifteen years. Their footage reveals the bow of the wreck emerging from the deep-sea gloom.


Lying nearly 4,000 metres down in the Atlantic. It's rusty and covered in sea life, but still recognisable more than one hundred years after the Titanic sank. However, while some parts of the ship are in surprisingly good condition, other features have disappeared.


Ocean currents and salt erosion are causing the damage as are microbes, which are eating away at the metal, creating stalactites of rust that dangle from the ship.

Robert Blyth from the National Maritime Museum says the Titanic’s decay is inevitable, which means studying it now is vital. The expedition team are now analysing their footage. They want to assess how long it will be before the Titanic is finally lost to the sea.



submersible 潜水器
divers 潜水员
bow 船头
wreck 残骸
emerging 浮现出
deep-sea 深海的
gloom 黑暗
rusty 生锈的
sea life 海洋生物
sank 沉入水中
good condition 状况良好
ocean currents 洋流
salt erosion 盐蚀
microbes 微生物
stalactites of rust 钟乳石般的锈石
decay 腐蚀,消逝

阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? Some parts of the Titanic are lost to the sea.

2. When did a submersible last take divers to the Titanic?

3. What do the expedition team want to assess by analysing their footage of the deep-sea wreck?

4. Which word in the text is used as a synonym for ‘unavoidable’?


1. True or false? Some parts of the Titanic are lost to the sea.
True. While some parts of the ship are in surprisingly good condition, other features have disappeared.

2. When did a submersible last take divers to the Titanic?
A submersible last took divers to the Titanic nearly fifteen years ago.

3. What do the expedition team want to assess by analysing their footage of the deep-sea wreck?
The expedition team want to assess how long it will be before the Titanic is finally lost to the sea.

4. Which word in the text is used as a synonym for ‘unavoidable’?




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