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Stress in pregnancy 'makes child personality disorder more likely' 孕期压力使 “孩子更容易出现人格障碍”

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一项研究表明,如果孕妇在怀孕期间压力过大,她们的孩子在 30 岁之前患上人格障碍的可能性要比普通人高出近十倍。这项报告称,即使是适度的长期压力也可能会对胎儿的发育产生影响,这个影响在婴儿出生后仍会继续。

One in twenty people is thought to have a personality disorder, which can make them over-anxious or paranoid, for example, and normal life difficult.

每 20 个人中就有一个人被认为有人格障碍。例如,这会使他们过度焦虑或偏执,使正常的生活变得困难。

This study concluded that prolonged high levels of stress during pregnancy could increase the risk of children developing these disorders later in life.


The researchers see children exposed to severe maternal stress were at greatest risk, but that even moderate stress increased the risk fourfold. Experts say many other factors contribute to mental disorders, such as how children are brought up and any trauma they may experience.


The Royal College of Psychiatrists said the study showed the importance of ensuring women had access to mental health services during and after pregnancy. It said support in this area had improved in recent years and should continue.



personality disorder 人格障碍
paranoid 多疑的,偏执的
prolonged 长期的,延续时间久的
pregnancy 怀孕
developing 患(病)
exposed to 遭受……
maternal 母亲的
moderate 适度的
trauma 精神、心理创伤
ensuring 确保
mental health services 心理健康服务


1. True or false? The Royal College of Psychiatrists said mental health support to pregnant women and new mothers had not improved over the years.

2. What could prolonged high levels of stress during pregnancy cause, according to the study?

3. Apart from maternal stress, what other factors do experts think also contribute to mental disorders in children?

4. Which adverb in the text means ‘by four times’?


1. True or false? The Royal College of Psychiatrists said mental health support to pregnant women and new mothers had not improved over the years.
False. It said that support in this area had improved in recent years and should continue.

2. What could prolonged high levels of stress during pregnancy cause, according to the study?
According to the study, it could increase the risk of children developing these disorders later in life.

3. Apart from maternal stress, what other factors do experts think also contribute to mental disorders in children?
Experts think how children are brought up and any trauma they may experience also contribute to mental disorders.

4. Which adverb in the text means ‘by four times’?




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