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Banning watches from exams to prevent cheating 英国学校禁止学生戴手表考试以防作弊

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The most common form of cheating is trying to use a mobile phone to get extra help. But this inquiry has warned of another growing high tech problem; pupils connecting to the internet through their watches.


Such smart watches are already banned in exams, but inquiry chairman Sir John Dunford said that invigilators struggle to tell the difference between a conventional watch and an online version, and so a blanket ban was needed.


The Joint Council for Qualifications, representing the exam boards, said such a complete ban on watches could be in place by next summer.

代表考试委员会的英国资格认证联合委员会(Joint Council for Qualifications)表示,对手表的全面禁令应该在明年夏天之前出台。


cheating 作弊
high-tech 高科技
smart watches 智能手表
banned 禁止
invigilators 监考人员
conventional 传统的
a blanket ban 全面禁令
in place 出台,到位

阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. What is the most popular thing to use to cheat in an exam?

2. Why is a ban on conventional watches being proposed?

3. True or false? Inquiry chairman Sir John Dunford wants all types of watches banned from being worn in an exam.

4. When might this ban be introduced?


1. What is the most popular thing to use to cheat in an exam?
The most common form of cheating is trying to use a mobile phone to get extra help.

2. Why is a ban on conventional watches being proposed?
Exam invigilators are struggling to tell the difference between a conventional watch and an online version and so a ban on all types of watches is being proposed.

3. True or false? Inquiry chairman, Sir John Dunford, wants all types of watches banned from being worn in an exam.
True. Inquiry chairman, Sir John Dunford, says a blanket ban on all types of watches is needed.

4. When might this ban be introduced?
The Joint Council for Qualifications, representing the exam boards, said such a complete ban on watches could be in place by next summer.




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