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Christmas toys for poor children 送给贫困儿童的圣诞玩具




Christmas toys for poor children 送给贫困儿童的圣诞玩具


有关 “poverty(贫穷)” 的词汇


Why did 'Sabrina' fall into poverty?


Superheroes and playing cards at Benthal Primary School in Stoke Newington. They're dressed up to raise money for the Winter Toy Appeal.

孩子们装扮成了超级英雄和纸牌——这里是斯托克纽因顿的本瑟尔小学。他们这是为了给 “冬季玩具捐赠呼吁” 筹款而盛装打扮。

43 percent of children in inner London are living in relative poverty. This annual appeal was set up in response. The co-founder delivers another load of brand new toys to the Hackney Foodbank in Hoxton.


Basil Fasal, Winter Toy Appeal
Thousands of children in this area are really suffering and living in poverty. So our aim is to try to ensure that all of them get a special present to open on Christmas Day.

巴兹尔·法赛尔            冬季玩具捐赠呼吁

'Sabrina' has received one of the gifts.


Conscious of the stigma surrounding her situation, she prefers not to be fully identified. After her contract ended abruptly, she was forced to apply for universal credit [government assistance], but the money took three months to arrive.


'Sabrina', parent
My car ended up getting repossessed. I ended up falling into rent arrears. You don't want to see your child's face on Christmas Day, you know, no presents under the tree or not even a single present even if you don't have a tree. But nothing to open and then when they go back to school. "What did you get for Christmas?"

“萨布丽娜”           家长

Toys have been pouring in from online deliveries and brought in person to collection points.



appeal 呼吁

food bank 食物银行(泛指这类机构时 “food” 和 “bank” 分开写)

suffering 受苦

stigma 不光彩,耻辱


Her contract ended abruptly and the money from universal credit took three months to arrive.



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