各地一般不得新建500米以上建筑 严禁山寨建筑
中国日报网 2020-05-08 16:49


No buildings taller than 500 meters will be allowed unless their plans are approved by the two central government bodies following strict examinations, said the document.
Provincial housing and urban-rural development departments are authorized to approve construction of buildings over 250 meters in height, though plans for such buildings need to be registered at the ministry.
Management will be intensified for construction of big public facilities, including stadiums, museums, exhibition halls and theaters, to prevent imitation in architecture designs.
同时,各地应加强自然生态、历史人文、景观敏感等重点地段城市与建筑风貌管理,健全法规制度,加强历史文化遗存(historical and cultural remains)、景观风貌保护,严格管控新建建筑,不拆除历史建筑(historical architecture)、不拆传统民居(traditional dwellings)、不破坏地形地貌、不砍老树。
房地产开发 real estate development
面子工程 face job
摩天大楼 skyscrapers
中层建筑 mid-rise building
楼层建筑面积 floor space
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)