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Lockdown may have lasting effects on friendships 新冠肺炎封锁可能对人类友谊产生持久影响

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进化心理学家罗宾·邓巴教授(Prof Robin Dunbar)说:“如果不投入时间和精力去维护友谊,友谊则会面临快速恶化 —— 这个过程可能只需要三个月左右。” 他表示,疫情封锁给人际关系带来的压力,虽然有望是短期的,但这种压力可能会对一些友谊产生长期的影响。

Maintaining a strong social bond takes time and effort. That's according to evolutionary psychologists who studied the social lives of our closest primate relatives. 


Whether you're a monkey or a human, the strength of a bond is directly linked to the amount of time you spend together, and a friendship can deteriorate beyond repair in just three months.


This, scientists say, is likely to be bad news for what they call our more marginal friendships. Without the reinforcement of a shared workplace or a chat at the school gates, some less valued relationships could be irreparably damaged by lockdown.

科学家们表示,这个结论对我们所谓的 “边缘友谊” 可能是个坏消息。没有了在共享工作场所或在校门口聊天的强化巩固,一些不太受重视的关系可能会因疫情封锁而遭受无法弥补的伤害。 

Many people have swapped face-to-face contact for video chats, but the researchers say that this and social distancing has left us deprived of human touch.


Just like the grooming that chimpanzees spend hours doing, a welcome squeeze on the arm or a cuddle from a friend causes our brains to release pleasure-boosting chemicals. That helps explain why many of us might feel we're fighting a pretty fundamental need for a hug.



social bond 社会联系
evolutionary 进化的
deteriorate 恶化
beyond repair 无法修复的,无法补救的
marginal 边缘的
reinforcement 增强,巩固
irreparably 无法弥补地
human touch 平易近人的待人处事方式
squeeze 捏,挤
cuddle 抱,搂抱
pleasure-boosting 增加愉悦感的
fundamental 基本的


1. True or false? According to evolutionary psychologists, in order to maintain a friendship, we need to invest time and effort in them.

2. Based on the scientists, how long does it take for a friendship to become irreparable, if you don’t spend time together?

3. While face-to-face contact has become difficult, what have many people switched to?

4. According to the text, why are many of us fighting the need for a hug?


1. True or false? According to evolutionary psychologists, in order to maintain a friendship, we need to invest time and effort in them.
True. Maintaining a strong social bond takes time and effort.

2. Based on the scientists, how long does it take for a friendship to become irreparable, if you don’t spend time together?
It takes in just three months for a friendship to deteriorate beyond repair.

3. While face-to-face contact has become difficult, what have many people switched to?
Many people have switched from face-to-face contact to video chats.

4. According to the text, why are many of us fighting the need for a hug?
The reason many of us fight the need for a hug might be that a welcome squeeze on the arm or a cuddle from a friend causes our brains to release pleasure-boosting chemicals.




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