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Working on Big Ben 英国大本钟维修竣工倒计时



Working on Big Ben 英国大本钟维修工程竣工倒计时


有关 “clocks(时钟)” 的词汇


Why did a crack appear when Big Ben was struck in 1858?


Countdown to completion. One of the biggest restoration jobs ever undertaken on a landmark British building is approaching the finish line.


Ian Westworth, Clock Mechanic 
We are servicing the rollers. This is one of the bits that we couldn’t actually get to and service while the minute hands were on.

伊恩·韦斯特沃思       钟表修理工

Working on this clock would be a once in a lifetime opportunity – to actually have taken it all to pieces, putting it back together again, and then carry on looking after it for a few more years – that’s just going to be fantastic.


Tim Muffett, BBC Correspondent
One of the most striking things you notice is the colour of the clock faces. For many years, the minute demarcations, the numbers and the clock hands were painted black. But during the refurbishment, as many layers of paint were stripped away, it became clear that they were originally this shade of blue – it’s called Prussian Blue, and that is what they have been repainted in.

蒂姆·马菲特       BBC通讯员

With the clock mechanism out of action, a computerised system has meant that on special occasions, Big Ben has still been struck.


Mark Collins, Historian
We are standing in the belfry of the Elizabeth Tower, and it was specially constructed so that the chiming bells for the four quarters could be heard right across London.

马克·柯林斯       历史学家

There’s one piece of damage here that’s been deliberately left alone.


This crack appeared when Big Ben was struck during a test in 1858. The hammer was too heavy, but it gives the bell its unique tone. 


Mark Collins, Historian
It should be ‘E’ – the note E , but it does give it a slightly flat sound, a very serious sound, in fact. No change to the bell whatsoever because it’s become the familiar, the familiar note.

马克·柯林斯       历史学家
“大本钟的音调本来应该是 E,但这的确令它的声音听起来偏低,甚至令它听起来很庄严。人们并没有对钟作出改变,因为这个音调已经被大家听惯了。”

A much-loved building largely hidden for the past few years, slowly revealing itself once more.



hands (钟表的)指针

demarcations 分界线

belfry 钟楼,钟塔

chiming 敲,响

hammer 钟锤


The hammer, which hit the bell, was too heavy.



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