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中国日报网 2021-09-18 11:15





Individual investors eligible for the new stock exchange in Beijing should have at least two years of experience in securities investment. Their average daily securities assets should be no less than 500,000 yuan in the 20 trading days before they are allowed to trade on the bourse, according to the regulation.


这里的bourse其实就是stock exchange(证券交易所)的意思,只不过这个词在欧洲大陆(英国除外)更常用,比如:Euronext is an alliance between the Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam bourses.(泛欧交易所是巴黎、布鲁塞尔和阿姆斯特丹交易所合并设立的。)

Along with the regulation, the Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) has started guiding securities companies to improve related systems and procedures, and preparing investors for account opening, in a bid to deepen the reform of the New Third Board and ensure a sound opening of the bourse.

Qualified investors can now make an appointment with brokerages to apply for BSE trading access.


近期,我国决定深化新三板改革(deepen the reform of the New Third Board),设立北京证券交易所(Beijing Stock Exchange),打造服务创新型中小企业主阵地(the primary platform serving innovation-oriented SMEs)。

新三板(the New Third Board),即“全国中小企业股份转让系统”(the National Equities Exchange and Quotations,NEEQ),是经国务院批准,依据证券法设立的继上交所、深交所之后第三家全国性证券交易场所,也是我国第一家公司制运营的证券交易场所。其市场定位是主要为创新型、创业型、成长型中小企业发展服务。

具有新三板创新层和基础层交易权限的投资者(investors with trading access to innovation layer and basic layer of the New Third Board),其交易权限范围将包含北京证券交易所股票。



资本市场改革 capital market reforms

科创板 STAR Market

创业板 second board / ChiNext

绩优股 blue chip

成长股 growth stock

交易所交易基金 Exchange Traded Fund, ETF

期货 futures

退市 delisting

上市公司 listed companies

外资 foreign capital



(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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