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Hope for people with diabetes 新装置给糖尿病患者带来希望



Hope for people with diabetes 新装置给糖尿病患者带来希望


有关 “medical treatment(医疗)” 的词汇


What painful thing does little Charlotte not need to do any more?


Six-year-old Charlotte from Lancashire is one of 400,000 people in the UK with type 1 diabetes.


Her body can't make insulin, the hormone which regulates blood sugar levels.


As part of a trial, she has a sensor on her arm which continuously monitors her blood glucose, and sends readings to this pump, which automatically delivers the insulin she needs.


Ange Abbott, Charlotte's mother
It's had such a massive impact. Prior to having the loop, everything was manual. We had to … We'd be up all night, and some nights, you know, every hour, every two hours to do finger pricks. Whereas now she can be the social child she was before and that's... that just makes me so happy.

安吉·阿伯特       夏洛特的母亲

It's known as a hybrid closed-loop system ­­– a sort of artificial pancreas.

该装置被称为 “混合闭环系统”,就像是人工的胰腺。

Charlotte, diabetes patient
I don't have to do finger pricks or needles any more.

夏洛特       糖尿病患者

And it keeps her blood sugar from going too high or too low.


Dr May Ng, Paediatric Endocrinologist
I think it's absolutely fantastic. I've been practising for 25 years in children's diabetes, and it's a game changer. To be able to improve the quality of life, to be able to see that most of the blood glucose readings are within the target range ­­–  it's very exciting.

吴诗梅医生       儿科内分泌学家

Yasmin Hopkins, diabetes patient
The sensors are on my arm, and they loop back through each other…

雅丝敏·霍普金斯       糖尿病患者

Yasmin, from South London, is astounded how much her blood sugar levels have stabilised using the new technology.


Fergus Walsh, BBC correspondent
So, it's liberating?

弗格斯·沃什       BBC通讯员

Yasmin Hopkins, diabetes sufferer
Yeah, definitely, there's nothing I can't do. There's no situation now that makes me anxious or scared. I really feel like, before, I really could have been at risk of some of those long-term [issues], especially the kind of heart [heart-related] stuff and things like that. Whereas now I don't really see that happening.

雅丝敏·霍普金斯       糖尿病患者

If blood sugar levels are not kept under control, diabetes patients risk long-term damage to their heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves.


That's why this trial matters. If successful, it could mean patients like Yasmin have longer and healthier lives.



trial 试验

monitors 监测

game changer 彻底改变某领域的事物

quality of life 生活质量

stabilised 稳定下来


She doesn't need to wake up several times a night to have her finger pricked.



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