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The influencer who cleans filthy homes for free 芬兰女子免费为他人打扫脏乱房间


The influencer who cleans filthy homes for free 芬兰女子免费为他人打扫脏乱房间


Auri Katariina, Cleaner
"I'm the world's best cleaner."

奥里·卡塔里娜       保洁员

Auri is a professional cleaner from Finland who is now an influencer.


Auri Katariina, Cleaner
"Two years ago, I started doing TikTok videos."

奥里·卡塔里娜       保洁员
“两年前,我开始录 Tik Tok 短视频。”

She started cleaning one home a week for free, helping people who couldn't afford a professional cleaner.


Now, people from around the world reach out to her for help.


Auri Katariina, Cleaner
"Usually, these people who I'm helping have some kind of mental illness. They are struggling. They had something [happen] in their [lives]. They need help, and I think everybody needs help at some point in their lives."

奥里·卡塔里娜       保洁员

The owner of this UK home got in touch after falling on hard times.


Auri Katariina, Cleaner
"The dirtier, the better. I love grime and stains and mould – I just love it. And then, at the same time, I get to help these people, so it's like [a] win-win situation.

奥里·卡塔里娜       保洁员

It's like the feeling when the waitress brings you the hamburger, and you look at the delicious hamburger. It's like looking at this deliciously dirty home. Then, the eating part – you are eating the hamburger – you are cleaning. Then, your plate is empty – the house is clean. You are satisfied, but you want to eat more soon."

对我来说,打扫卫生就好比服务员给你端来一个汉堡,你看着美味的汉堡,垂涎欲滴。一个肮脏不堪的房间就是我的 “美味汉堡”。而打扫卫生的过程就像吃汉堡一样令人享受。盘子上的食物被一扫而光,房间也焕然一新。你大饱口福、心满意足,但希望很快能再来一个汉堡。”



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