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Rare orchid flowers in London 稀有兰花品种在伦敦邱园开花

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濒危兰花品种佛罗里达鬼兰首次在英国开花。这株兰花近日被运至位于伦敦西南部的英国皇家植物园 —— 邱园(Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)展出。

The Florida Ghost Orchid, or Dendrophylax lindenii, gets its name from its striking white flower, which resembles a ghost floating in the air.

佛罗里达鬼兰,又名 Dendrophylax lindenii,因其引人注目的白色花朵得名,花朵看上去就像漂浮在空中的幽灵。

It's normally found only in the swamps of south-west Florida and in Cuba, with fewer than 2,000 in existence. Populations in Florida were decimated when their host trees, the bald cypress, were logged during the Second World War to provide lumber for aircraft carrier decks.


The orchid has been brought to the UK to raise awareness of its plight. There are fears that poaching and climate change could endanger its existence further. The orchid on display at the Princess of Wales Conservatory at Kew is expected to be in flower for just a few days. So, there's a great sense of excitement among conservationists keen for a glimpse of something never seen before in the UK.



striking 惊人的,引人注目的
decimated 大幅减少
logged 被砍伐
plight 困境
poaching 原意为 “偷猎”,此处指 “偷采”
glimpse 一瞥,一睹


1. Why is the orchid known as the Florida Ghost Orchid?

2. Where is the Florida Ghost Orchid normally found?

3. Why were populations of Ghost Orchid in Florida decimated?

4. How long will the Florida Ghost Orchid be in flower for?


1. Why is the orchid known as the Florida Ghost Orchid?

The orchid gets its name from its striking white flower, which resembles a  ghost floating in the air.

2. Where is the Florida Ghost Orchid normally found?

It's normally found only in the swamps of south-west Florida and in Cuba.

3. Why were populations of Ghost Orchid in Florida decimated?

Populations of Ghost Orchid in Florida were decimated when their host trees, the bald cypress, were logged during the Second World War to provide lumber for aircraft carrier decks. 

4. How long will the Florida Ghost Orchid be in flower for?

The orchid on display at the Princess of Wales Conservatory at Kew is expected  to be in flower for just a few days.




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