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Blue whales return to the Seychelles 蓝鲸重返塞舌尔附近水域

蓝鲸是地球上体型最庞大的动物。在印度洋的一片水域, 它们曾因捕鲸活动而几乎灭绝,而几十年后, 这片水域的蓝鲸数量已经恢复。

The deep very low frequency song of the blue whale is difficult for us to hear.Depending on what device you're  listening on,  it  might  be too  low for your speakers.

我们人耳很难听到蓝鲸发出的低沉、低频的叫声。你在这段音频中能不能听到它们的叫声取决于你使用的音频播放设备, 因为蓝鲸叫声的频率可能低于一些扬声器可播放的频率范围。

But it's the tell-tale loud pulsing call of the world's largest animal, and it's what scientists managed to capture with an underwater "sound trap" – a microphone and recording rig planted on the sea floor near the Seychelles for a whole year.


Painstaking analysis of all those hours of sound revealed that blue whales spend months in the tropical waters around the tiny island nation.


The researchers have described this as a conservation win – evidence that the population has recovered decades after a ban on commercial whaling.




frequency  频率

tell-tale   泄露秘密的,足以辨识的

pulsing   脉冲的,节奏强烈的

recording rig 录音装置

painstaking    精心的,仔细的

whaling  捕鲸(活动)



1.Why can it be difficult to hear the blue whale's song?

2.How did scientists record the blue whale's song?

3.True or False? Blue whales are not found in warm regions of the world.

4.What has happened to the blue whale population since whaling was banned?



1.Why can it be difficult to hear the blue whale's song?

It can be hard to hear the blue whale's song because it is a very low-frequency sound.

2.How did scientists record the blue whale's song?

Scientists used a microphone and recording rig placed on the sea floor.

3.True or False? Blue whales are not found in warm regions of the world.

False.  They  spend  several  months  near  the  tropical  island  nation  of  the Seychelles.

4.What has happened to the blue whale population since whaling was banned?

Blue whale population numbers have recovered since whaling was banned.

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