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The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之一)
[ 2006-12-25 11:02 ]




文化面面观  Dostoyevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基

思想火花  The Lake House 是改编自数年前的韩国电影《触不到的恋人》,一个发生在时空交错下偶然邂逅的爱情故事。

考考你  一展身手



Kate Forster: Sixty degrees on Valentine's Day. Can't be Chicago.

Mrs. Forster: The TV says it's global warming. The icebergs start melting, water covers the Earth. Thank God we won't live to see it.

Kate: What's this?

Mrs. Forster: Oh. That's nothing. It's one of your father's.

Kate: Dostoyevsky?

Mrs. Forster: Oh, yeah. It's about a guy who breaks the neck of a poor woman with an axe and, so far, keeps wandering around regretting it. Hmm. This is good.

Kate: Oh, yeah?

Mrs. Forster: Yeah. Really good. What are you thinking?

Kate: Nothing.

Mrs. Forster:When your father passed away, it was hard. It still is hard. Holding his books, I feel like he's with me somehow, knowing that he was once on the same pages reading the same words.

Passenger: Oh, my God! Somebody call an ambulance!

Kate: We need an ambulance at Daley Plaza. A man has been struck by a bus. Get anEMTcrew here. Sir--

Policeman: Get out the street. Get on the sidewalk. On the sidewalk. Off the street.

Driver: Sir?

Policeman: Get on the sidewalk! Get on the sidewalk!

Alex: I'd like to get the foundation on number 17 dug today.

Mulhern: I know you're kind of new around here, kid.

Alex: What?

Mulhern: I can't get to 17 until at least next week.

Alex: Come on, Mulhern. That's bullshit and you know it. Take Clemens and Rodriguez off of roofing. Jorge can run the backhoe they're not using on 14 and grab four or five of those other guys who are doing nothing on seven and 10. Paulie, Carlos, Frank, Danny, and what's his name, the tall guy?

Mulhern: Rafael.

Alex: Rafael. Let's go.

Mulhern: Okay.

Dr. Klyczynski: Hey.

Kate: Hi.

Dr. Klyczynski: I heard about Daley Plaza. EMT said you fought hard for the guy.

Kate: Yeah, reallyknocked myself out.

Dr. Klyczynski:Kate, I'm going to tell you what I tell every young doctor.Hopefully, you'll be the first to listen. On your day off, get as far away from this place as you can. Go someplace where you feel most like yourself.

妙语佳句, 活学活用

1. EMT

这是一个缩写,全拼是Emergency Medical Technician 急诊医士
有时也作为 Emergency Medical Treatment的缩写,意为“急救医疗”。

2. knock oneself out

e.g. 1) Don't knock yourself out looking for them. 别费劲找他们了。
2)I really knocked myself out after doing the whole day's work. 工作了一整天我真是累坏了。

3. hopefully

这个词在这里的意思很简单,就是一个表示希望的副词。但是这个单词在口语中也可以作为一个短句来使用,意思是 "希望如此"。口语中这样的短句很多,都可以由单个词来充当,比如:
Absolutely! 绝对正确!
Bravo! 棒极了!
Easy! 别急!别发火!
Fantastic! 太奇妙了

Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之六
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之五
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之四
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之三
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之二
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之二
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之一
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