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Desperate Housewives 1《绝望主妇》1(精讲十一)
[ 2007-01-17 19:33 ]

文化面面观  Buster Brown

我观之我见  真不知道雄性动物到底是怎么进化的,似乎好色是男人的天性,也由此造成了许许多多的婚姻问题。

考考你  一展身手



Karl: Damn woman, you were good! Yes, you're next, Suzie-Q. Whatcha gonna sing?

Edie: Yes.

Mike: You sing?

Susan: Only when I'm alone.

Karl: Come on, we're among friends.

Susan: I don't think so.

Mike: Well, I, for one, would love to hear your voice.

Karl: Give it up, plumber. She's not budging.

Susan: You want to hear me sing?

Mike: Yeah.

Susan: Okay.

Mike: What's it going to be? I'll tell the piano player. 

Susan: New York, New York.

Edie: Oh, I'm so excited to hear you. Oh, but doesn'tit just figures...

Susan: What do you mean?

Edie: You have to get up in front of a room full of people dressed like that. I hope they don'tturn onyou.

Susan: I think I'll take my chances...sort of like you did--on thosehigh notes.

Edie: I'm going to go get us two more.

Karl: That's a great idea.

Karl: So that Mike; he seems pretty even keeled.

Susan: Yeah. He's a great guy.

Karl: But you know, I mean, he's a little--Buster Brown. Don't you ever worry you'll gonna get bored?

Susan: Thanks for your concern, Karl, I'm fine.

Karl: Gofigure. Even though our marriage was crazy at times, it never got dull.

Susan: Yeah, that part when you slept with your secretary was really exciting.

Karl: I know, how many times do I have to hear it? It was a mistake. But don't I everget credit forthe thirteen loyal years beforehand?

Edie: You must not be counting the Henderson's Christmas party.

Karl: Edie, not now.

Edie: Oh, what's the big deal, Karl. Your marriage is history anyway.

Karl: Edie...

Edie: It was nothing, really. Basically we both got plastered on eggnog, and we found ourselves standing under the, uh, mistletoe...

Karl: Edie...

Edie: And we were like, okay, what do we do now? So I smiled, and he smiled, and then Karl reached over, and startedfeeling me up!

Karl: Susie, that's not how it happened!

Mike: All right, Susie, come on, you're up.

Susan: What?

Karl: Hey Susie, it's so silly...Susie.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Susan Mayer!

Susan (singing): Start spreading the news...I'm leaving today...I wanna be a part of it, New York! New York! These vagabond shoes... (speaking) You're an ass, you know that?

Susan (to the piano player): No keep playing! (singing) Are longing to stray... there's a word no, right? And get around the heart of it, New York! New York! I want to... (speaking) Just tell you that the affair was one thing, I mean, I forgave you, because on some small level, I thought you were in love with her, and now I find out that you were justgropingpeople at parties... (singing) Top of the heap...

Susan: Karl, don't you turn away from me. Look at me! You know, what else were you doing during our marriage? How many other women were you sticking it to? As God as my witness, it will snow on the hills of hell, before I ever feel sorry for you again!

Susan (singing): New York!


1. It figures

Figure 这个词有很多意思和用法,除了作为名词表示“图形,数字”,它还可以用作动词表示“估计,想,认为”,例如:I figured that you wanted me to stay. 在片断中,“go figure”的意思就是“想想看吧”。
此外,figure 还可以表示“to be or appear”,例如:His name figures importantly in my report.
还可以表示“to be logical, expected, or reasonable”,例如:He quit the job when he didn't get a raise-it figured.
还可以表示“理解,了解”:He didn't figure her.

It figures 则是一个片语,意思是It's expected。

2. Turn on

这里的turn on可不是“关掉”的意思,而是to becomes angry or unhappy with someone suddenly的意思。例如:I'm afraid that they'll turn on me when they see what I wear.

3. High notes

Note 在这里指的是“音调”,high notes 就是“高音调”,低音调就是low notes。

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