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[ 2007-12-19 19:32 ]


影片对白  Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away.


6. Hang back

Hang back 的本意是“却步,犹豫,退缩”,这里的意思是“不要靠得太近,保持一种若即若离的距离”。我们来看个例子:They hung back at the entrance, fearful that they wouldn't be admitted. 在门口他们退缩了,怕不让进。

7. Hitting is a good thing.

这里的 hitting 指的是“偶遇”。

8. The blink of an eye


9. High-stakes medal round

我们都知道在任何大规模的体育比赛中,选手们都是赛了一轮又一轮,从中选出最好的选手进行最终的比赛,这个最终的比赛就是high stakes medal round。在爱情中,两个人的一次次约会就像是一轮轮比赛,最后两个人要决定是不是要建立稳定的关系,这就是恋爱中的high stakes medal round。


传说中的耶稣的诞辰即将来临,这位传说中的救世主的诞生给我们带来了公元纪年——元旦也近在咫尺,新的一年又即将开始。所谓“男大当婚,女大当嫁”,还没有找到另一半的男士们请注意了,一定要仔细观看本期推出的电影 Hitch,学学拍拖的技术,以免您在下一个耶稣诞辰纪念的时候还是形单影只。还没有找到另一半的女士们也请仔细观看这部电影,它教你透视爱的玄机、找到真命天子。

Hitch is a 2005 romantic comedy film starring Will Smith, Eva Mendes, and Kevin James. The film is directed by Andy Tennant and written by Kevin Bisch. Smith plays a professional matchmaker, who makes a living teaching men how to woo women.

Alex "Hitch" Hitchens (Will Smith) is a professional "date doctor", who coaches other men in the art of wooing women.

While coaching one of his clients, Albert Brennaman (Kevin James), who is smitten with celebrity Allegra Cole (Amber Valletta), Hitch finds himself falling for Sara (Eva Mendes), a gossip columnist who is determined to unmask and ruin the so-called date doctor after one of his "clients" (who Hitch refused to work with) had a one-night stand with her best friend. However, where Albert and Allegra's relationship continues to progress, Hitch finds that none of his tried and tested methods are working on himself, despite being a master of the art. After Hitch is unmasked, he and Sara break up, and Allegra and Albert follow suit (along with other women who realize their husbands had been coached by Hitch). Finally, Hitch confronts Allegra and convinces her to reunite with Albert, before reconciling with Sara. In the process, he makes the startling discovery that he doesn't really do anything significant, and that most of his customers (particularly Albert) really were successful by just being themselves. In the end Albert and Allegra get married and celebrate their marriage with Hitch and Sara, who are back together again. Hitch, reflecting on love's unpredictability, addresses the audience in the last line, "Basic principles? There are none."

The production budget was $70,000,000. Eva Mendes was given the role opposite Smith because the moviemakers were worried about the public’s reaction if the part was given to a white or an African American actress. Robinne Lee's character was originally offered to bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai, but could not take the role due to scheduling problems. The working title of the movie was The Last First Kiss, referring a line Hitch delivers to Albert: "This could be her last first kiss." Parts of the movie were filmed in Morningside Heights, Manhattan, at Columbia University. (answers.com)



1. 海尔,我知道你是非常急于结婚成家。但是,你不要被一张漂亮的脸弄得昏昏然的。在没有发生问题前,你得脑子清楚一些,明白自己到底在干什么。

2. 如果你不做作业,考试的时候一定会有麻烦的。

3. 我们退了回去,让父母先进。

Open season《丛林大反攻》精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. 电视新闻拆穿了他精心编织的骗局。

The TV news story blew his carefully fabricated cover.

2. 他祖父总是对别人的错耿耿于怀。

His grandfather was always one to hold a grudge.

3. 我真的不喜欢自己的工作,但我得装着喜欢,而且更可恨的是我不得不过着一种欺骗自己的生活。

I really dislike my job but I have to pretend to enjoy it; what I hate even more is having to live a lie.


影片对白  Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away.


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