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American pie 2《美国派》2精讲之四
[ 2008-03-24 17:34 ]


影片对白  Petey, we are just so thrilled to have you.


4. break a leg

这里可不是要某人“摔断腿”,而是表示祝福,“祝……成功”的意思,最先是用在祝福临上场的演员,后来其他种类的祝福也可以用这个表示了。比如:Play well, Rob--break a leg!

5. A little encouragement.

“来点鼓励吧!”就是要大家鼓掌以对演员表示鼓励,和 give someone a big hand 的意思差不多。



 The main characters of the American Pie Triology (L to R) OZ, Stifler, Jim, Finch and Kevin in a scene from American Pie 2.

Jim Levenstein (Jason Biggs) - Jim is the main character, and easily has the worst luck out of all the characters, being always in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is obsessed with sexual intercourse, and is frequently caught in some kind of embarrassing sexual act, most often by his father. He makes a pact with Kevin, Oz, and Finch to lose his virginity before he graduates. After a humiliating experience with a beautiful foreign exchange student, Nadia, he asks a band geek, Michelle, to the prom, has sex with her and eventually marries her in American Wedding.

Kevin Myers (Thomas Ian Nicholas) - Kevin Myers is the leader of the group, and creates the laid-before-prom-night pact with Jim, Oz, and Finch. He is a loving boyfriend to Vicky, with whom he has gotten as far as only third base. He wants to have sex with her in an honest and romantic way but is afraid to say the word love. He and Vicky eventually break up, not wanting to have to go through with a long distance relationship. It is Kevin's older brother who gives him the Sex Bible, and suggests that the group go to the lake house in American Pie 2. In American Wedding, it is revealed that he has a girlfriend, though her identity is never revealed.

Chris "Oz" Ostreicher (Chris Klein) - Oz is a stereotypical jock who is not as good with women as he thinks. When he makes the pact to lose his virginity, he meets and falls in love with a choir girl named Heather. His friendly and sensitive side emerges from the whole experience, and it leads to him having a serious relationship with Heather, consummated at the post-prom party. He continues his relationship in American Pie 2 with Heather. He is absent from American Wedding.

Paul Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) - Finch is an intelligent sophisticate who enters the pact to lose his virginity. He hires Jessica to spread good rumors about him, and soon has a big reputation, which is quickly lost after a diarrhea incident in the girls bathroom, caused by Stifler. Finch soon gets revenge on Stifler by having sex with Stifler's beautiful and oversexed mother. Throughout the series, he waits to see Stifler's mother again, and has sex with her at the end of all three movies. He is mortal enemies with Stifler, who calls him "shit break" because of his habit of not using the school toilet, as he thinks public toilets are not hygienic enough.

Steve Stifler (Seann William Scott) - An obnoxious, loudmouthed jerk, Stifler is more obsessed with sex than the other four guys put together. He refers to himself as the "Stiffmeister". He is popular only because he throws great parties and his mom is a MILF. He causes a multitude of problems for the other characters, and seems to hate everybody, especially Finch, whom he nicknames "shit break" (see above). He is a bad influence on his younger brother Matt, who, while much younger, has a similar personality to his older brother. Stifler's vocabulary consists usually of sex talk, crude and/or sexual insults, and any more general profanities. Stifler matures somewhat in American Wedding, after accidentally wrecking all the flowers for the wedding he feels compelled to make amends and fix things by enlisting the football team he coaches and a florist in an all night session to replace them. He is frequently the victim of "gross-out" moments, most commonly the unintentional consumption of some bodily secretion (semen in American Pie, urine in American Pie 2, and dog feces in American Wedding). Continuing the family tradition, his brother Matt consumes saliva in American Pie Presents: Band Camp.



1. 别惹我。

2. 能成为组织的一员、实现我的梦想,我真是太激动了。

3. 来吧,该你了。祝你成功。

American pie 2《美国派》2精讲之三 考考你 参考答案

1. 我在那家工厂关闭前在那儿工作了20多年。

I was in harness at the factory for over twenty years before it shut down.

2. 我们保持镇定、同心协力就没有问题。

If we keep calm and stick together, we'll be all right.

3. 最后他们举行了一个盛大的派对。

To cap it off they hold a grand party.


影片对白  Petey, we are just so thrilled to have you.


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