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Bring it on《美少女拉拉队》精讲之一
[ 2008-07-28 17:10 ]


影片对白Why can't you accept the fact that I'm not a genius? It just kills you that I'm not an honor student.


5. less of a shock

这里是指“less of surprise 不那么意外”,Christine 其实是想让女儿多修几门难一点的课程,这样可以容易申请到大学,不会“意外的”的被录取(这是她的反讽)。

6. get you off my back

这句话的意思是“(高级化学)能让你不对我唠叨了吗?“Get off one’s back”的意思是“别再对谁唠叨”,“get A off B’s back”就是“让A不要跟B唠叨”。比如:Hey, get off my back, will you! 喂,你别跟我唠叨了,行不行!

7. hit man

“Hit man”就是我们平常所说的“职业杀手”。“Hit”这个词作为名字,在俚语中就有“谋杀”的意思。That mother didn't kill anyone. She hired a hit man 是Christine 一句玩笑话。


Bring it on 美少女拉拉队

Bring it on《美少女拉拉队》精讲之一


The hard work, dedication, and personal politics behind "rah rah rah!" and "sis boom bah!" go under the microscope in this engaging teen comedy. Torrance Shipman (Kirsten Dunst) discovers that being captain of her San Diego high school's five-time championship-winning cheerleading squad is more complicated than she had imagined. Torrance's parents want her to spend more time on her homework, her boyfriend cheats her, and she learns that the squad's former captain stole some of their best routines from other teams -- and that Isis (Gabrielle Union), captain of a top squad at a crosstown, inner-city high school, plans to fight back this year. To make things worse, when one of the cheerleaders is injured, Torrance is forced to replace her with Missy (Eliza Dushku), a cynical new kid who is involved only because the school doesn't offer gymnastics. In the midst of this chaos, with the national championship around the corner, Torrance couldn't have picked a worse time to fall in love with Cliff (Jesse Bradford), a classmate who cares a lot more about punk rock than school spirit. Dunst trained with a cheerleading squad for her role, though a double performed the more complicated stunts. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide



1. 我跟他在一起总是感到很不自在。

2. 你挡我路了。

3. 我受够了,别罗嗦了。

Enchanted《魔法奇缘》精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. 他在金钱面前显示了他最坏的品质。

Money really brought out the worst in him.

2. 现在谁需要帮助?

Now who's the damsel in distress?

3. 你一定要借这本书,它让你爱不释手。

You must rent this book. It keeps you at the edge of your seat right up to the end.

4. They’ll demolish this house over my dead body.



影片对白Why can't you accept the fact that I'm not a genius? It just kills you that I'm not an honor student.



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