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The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之五
[ 2008-08-20 18:29 ]


影片对白 ln China, there really isn't yet an established celebrity culture. Up until Deng threw open the economy the only real celebrity they ever had was Mao. And it's just not something that people get a charge out of being. Modesty is, is a virtue that is enshrined in China.


5. settle


6. Roll, roll sound

这里的意思是“录音”。因为磁带是一圈一圈缠绕在一起的,所以用 roll。

7. Take one. Marker.

Take one 的意思是“first recording”,第一遍拍摄。因为同一场戏通常要拍很多遍,那就是 take one,take two,take three…… Marker 是指“做标记,做标记的人”,这里是告诉“场记”将这个拍摄记录一下。

8. action “开始”

9. That’s a cut!

Cut 在拍电影用语中是“停”的意思。

10. hawk products

Hawk 做动词有“兜售”之意,那么这里的意思就是“兜售产品”。


Celebrity Culture 名人文化

我们生活的世界里名人越来越多,体育名人,演艺名人,作家名人……民众的消费需求将名人文化推向极致。好比刘翔即使退了赛,耐克公司仍然能推出他的名人广告:Love sport even when it breaks your heart。(爱运动,即使它伤了你的心。)

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之五

Celebrity Culture is an essentially modern phenomenon that emerged amid such twentieth-century trends as urbanization and the rapid development of consumer culture. It was profoundly shaped by new technologies that make easily possible the mechanical reproduction of images and the extremely quick dissemination of images and information/News through such media as radio, cinema, television, and the Internet.

Thanks to publications such as People, tabloids such as Star and The National Enquirer (《国家调查者》), and talk shows where both celebrities and supposedly ordinary people bare their lives for public consumption, there is a diminished sense of otherness in the famous. Close-up shots, tours of celebrity homes such as those originated by Edward R. Murrow's television show Person to Person, and intimate interviews such as those developed for television by Barbara Walters and by shows such as Today and 60 Minutes have changed the public's sense of scale with celebrity. Americans are invited, especially through visual media, to believe they know celebrities intimately.

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之五

Celebrity culture is a symbiotic business relationship from which performers obtain wealth, honors, and social power in exchange for selling a sense of intimacy to audiences. Enormous salaries are commonplace. Multimillion dollar contracts for athletes pale in comparison to their revenues from advertising, epitomized by basketball player Michael Jordan's promotion of footwear, soft drinks, underwear, and hamburgers. Celebrities also parade in public media events as they receive honors and awards ranging from the Cy Young Award for baseball, the Grammys for recording stars, and the Oscars for movie stars. Although it is certainly difficult to measure the social power accruing to celebrities, Beatle John Lennon's controversial assertion that "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus," suggests something of the sort of grandiosity that celebrity culture fosters.

For the fan, celebrity culture can produce intense identification at rock concerts, athletic arenas, and other displays of the fantasy object, whether live or recorded and mechanically reproduced. Such identifications can lead to role reversals where the fan covets the wealth, honors, and supposed power of the celebrity. Mark David Chapman, who murdered John Lennon in 1980, thought he was the real Beatle and that Lennon was an imposter. In 1981, when the Secret Service interviewed John Hinckley Jr., shortly after he shot President Ronald Reagan to impress actress Jodie Foster, the object of his fantasies, he asked: " Is it on TV?" Toward the end of the twentieth century, the excesses of celebrity came into question, notably in the examples of Princess Diana possibly pursued by paparazzi to her death in a car accident, and of the notoriety surrounding President Bill Clinton's relationship with congressional aide, Monica Lewinsky, a notoriety that threatened to eclipse any other reason for Clinton's celebrity status. (US history encyclopedia)



1. 他们来中国兜售产品。

2. 怎样照全景照片呢?

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之四 考考你 参考答案


Here is the techer I often mentioned, and I look up to him very much.


影片对白 ln China, there really isn't yet an established celebrity culture. Up until Deng threw open the economy the only real celebrity they ever had was Mao. And it's just not something that people get a charge out of being. Modesty is, is a virtue that is enshrined in China.



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