英国在历史上一直是一个有着明确阶级意识的国家,而不同的阶级有属于自己的不同的言语方式。上层阶级不会轻易地去使用让他们看上去不是那么“gentle”的语言,社会人类学家凯特·福克斯将七个上层社会敬而远之的词称之为“The Seven Deadly Sins(七宗罪)”。
This word is the most notorious pet hate of the upper and upper-middle classes. Here is a good class-test you can try: When talking to an English person, deliberately say something too quietly for them to hear you properly. A lower-middle class will say "Pardon"; an upper-middle will say "sorry" (or parhaps "What- sorry?" or "Sorry- What"); but an upper class and a working class person will both just say "what".

"Toilet" is another word that makes the higher classes flinch or exchange knowing looks, if it is uttered by a would-be social climber. The correct upper-middle/upper term is "loo" or "lavatory".
It has been suggested that "serviette" was taken up by squeamish lower-middles who found "napkin" a bit too close to "nappy" and wanted something that sounded a bit more refined. Upper-middle and upper-class mothers gets very upset when their children learn to say "serviette" from well-meaning lower-class nannies, and have to be painstakingly retrained to say "napkin".
There is nothing wrong with the word "dinner" in itself: it is only a working-class hallmark if you use it to refer to the midday meal, which should be called "lunch". Calling your evening meal "tea" is also a working-class indicator: the higher echelons call this meal "dinner" or "supper".
You could ask your hosts what they call their furniture. If an upholstered seat for two or more people is called a settee or a couch, they are no higher than middle-middle. If it is a sofa, they are upper-middle or above.
And what do they call the room in which the settee/sofa is to be found? Settees are found in "lounges" or "living rooms", sofas in "sitting rooms" or "drawing rooms". "Drawing room" used to be the only "correct" term, but many upper-middles and uppers feel it a bit silly and pretentious to call, say, a small room in an ordinary terraced house the "drawing room", so "sitting room" has become acceptable.
那他们是怎么称呼放沙发的房间的呢?放settees的是“lounges”或者“living rooms”,放sofa的是“sitting rooms”或者“drawing rooms”。“Drawing room”曾经是唯一正确地形容这些房间的词,后来中上层的人们觉得用“Drawing room”来形容房子里一个普通的小房间显得有点傻、有点假,所以“sitting room”便成为了他们普遍接受的说法。
Like dinner, this word is not in itself a class indicator, but it becomes one when misapplied. The upper-middle and upper classes insist that the sweet course at the end of a meal is called the "pudding" -- never the "sweet", or "afters", or "dessert", all of which are declasse, unacceptable words.
跟“dinner”这个词一样,“sweet”本身并没有阶级色彩,但是当它用错地方时,它就带上了这样的色彩。上层和中上层阶级的人坚持认为餐后的甜点应该称为“pudding”而不是“sweet”,“afters”,或者 "dessert"。所有这些词都是下层阶级的人使用的,不被接受的词。
Latin Ban 禁止使用拉丁语
Chinese upper class growing
(来源:沪江英语 编辑:崔旭燕)