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Odd Question
What is a Busker?
Why is rice thrown at weddings?
Why is it that if you tickle yourself it doesn't tickle?
What do these three letters stand for?
Why are stoplights Red, Yellow and Green?
How did flowers and lace join Valentine's Day?
Why does it actually get warmer when it snows?
Where did the Piggy Bank come from?
Why do we get hiccups?
What is a rainbow?
Why does a room illuminated by a television appear blue?
Why do carbonated drinks bubble more in plastic cups?
Why do bulls charge when they "see red"?
What is the story of gunpowder?
How do silkworms make silk?
How did the idea for Santa Claus originate?
What is dry ice?
The story of reindeer
Where did Band-Aids come from?
Why do leaves change color?
Who invented the zipper?
Why do onions make us cry?
How come we have two eyes but only see one of everything?
Why is your middle finger the longest finger?
Why is some hair curly and some hair straight?
Why do we get Goose Bumps when it is cold?
Who makes traditional sculptures out of butter?
Where do fungi fit in the tree of life?
Cheese hole
What would happen if there were no dust?