[ 2006-11-30 17:33 ]

请看图片文字说明:A waitress displays gourmet Chinese alligator at a restaurant in Huangshan, East China's Anhui Province on November 27, 2006. China has threefranchised eateriesthat serve Chinese alligator, which is at the top of the list of protected animals in China.
报道中的“franchised eateries”指的是“特许经营餐馆”。与一般的chain store(连锁商店)相比,“franchise”更强调“特许经营”,比如遍布全球的麦当劳、肯德基,就是地地道道的“franchise(s)”。
此外,在体育术语中,“franchise”可用来形容“职业球队”,如:Michael Jordan, widely described as the greatest basketball player of all time, has no desire to move into coaching and would rather own an NBA franchise. (史上最伟大的篮球队员迈克尔·乔丹并不打算做教练,他的目标是拥有一个NBA旗下的职业篮球队。)