[ 2007-04-09 08:00 ]

请看《中国日报》相关报道:The new regulation on prescription management will take effect on May 1, to stem the practice of doctorstaking kickbacksfrom pharmaceutical companies by prescribing expensive and unnecessary drugs to patients.
The regulation stipulates that doctors use the generic names of drugs in their prescriptions instead of the brand names to avoid commissions.
由报道可知,“吃回扣”相应的英文表达为“to take/get/receive kickback”,指“医生因推荐高价药品从病人支付的药品款项里暗中获取的相应酬金。”
虽然字典在给“kickback”定性时指出“a kickback can be legal or illegal”(回扣有合法和非法之分),但就现实语义色彩而言,“kickback”(回扣)多含贬义,指“通过秘密协约或高压手段达成的营销策略”。
此外,这里需要区分“commission”(佣金)和“kickback”(回扣)的内在涵义,切记二者不可混为一谈。前者是“A fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered”(营销人员获得的正当佣金),后者“以违背职业道德为特征”。