![]() More than one in five Britons never eat at the table and 85 per cent admit to snacking mindlessly, a new research suggested.
More than one in five Britons never eat at the table and 85 per cent admit to snacking mindlessly, a new research suggested. People regularly fail to think about what they are eating and many are piling on the pounds as a result, it showed. Of the 85% who admitted to "unconscious eating", most said boredom was the main trigger (59%). Eating to give themselves a treat was the second most common reason (41%) followed by feeling depressed (36%). TV watching came in fourth place as a trigger for unconscious eating (35%), while snacking in a bid to cheer themselves up came in fifth (25%). Eating on the weekends was the next most common reason (20%) while in seventh place was people enjoying "me time" (18%). More than 60% of adults surveyed admitted to eating too much, despite 75% saying they wanted to lose weight. Almost one in three (30%) admitted not watching what they eat while seven out of 10 think about food every two hours or more. A total of 22% said they never eat at the table and 37% eat at least one meal a day in front of the TV. The poll of more than 1,000 people was carried out by the Jenny Craig weight management programme, which has proved a hit with US celebrities. Obesity expert and GP(General Practitioner) Ian Campbell said: "Being aware of what and how much we eat is essential to weight management. "Too often people get the balance wrong - the key to a healthy balanced diet is to be mindful about our eating." Karen Barber, nutritionist for the programme, said: "From our experience unconscious eating is one of the most common challenges our personal weight management coaches manage with our clients." Research suggested that people on the Jenny Craig programme lose more than three times as much weight as those using other diets, have lower cholesterol levels, better fitness and eat more fruit and veg. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) (Agencies) |
一项最新调查显示,五分之一以上的英国人从不坐在餐桌前用餐,85%的人承认自己“盲目进食”。 调查显示,人们往往不去想自己究竟在吃些什么,所以许多人因此而长胖。 在85%称自己“盲目进食”的人当中,多数人(59%)说无聊是最主要的原因。 第二大原因是犒劳自己(41%),其次是心情郁闷(36%)。 造成盲目进食的第四大原因是看电视(35%),第五大原因是让自己开心(占25%)。 第六大原因是享用周末大餐(20%),享受“个人时光”(占18%)排在第七位。 60%以上的受访成年人承认自己吃得太多,尽管75%的人称自己想减肥。 近三分之一的人(30%)承认自己吃东西时不看食物,十人中有七人每隔两小时或两小时以上就想吃东西。 共有22%的人说他们从不坐在餐桌前吃饭,37%的人每天至少有一餐坐在电视机前吃。 这项针对1000多人的调查由受到美国名人热捧的珍妮•克雷格体重管理项目开展。 肥胖症专家兼全科医师伊恩•坎贝尔说:“知道自己吃什么、吃了多少对于体重管理很重要。 “人们常常弄错这种平衡——健康平衡膳食的关键是注意我们的饮食。” 这一项目的营养师卡伦•巴伯说:“根据我们的经验,盲目进食是个人体重管理教练在服务客户中遇到的最普遍的问题之一。” 调查表明,参加珍妮•克雷格体重管理项目的人减掉的体重是采用其他膳食方案的人的三倍多,而且这些人胆固醇水平更低,体质更好,摄入的水果和蔬菜也更多。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑蔡姗姗) |
Vocabulary: mindless: done or acting without thought and for no particular reason or purpose 不用脑子的,不费心思的 in a bid to: 为了 veg: a vegetable or vegetables 蔬菜 |