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Fish and chips joins national treasure list
[ 2006-08-03 09:06 ]

Prime Minister Blair eats fish and chips at a restaurant in Brigghouse, Yorkshire.

Fish and chips, Sherlock Holmes and Monty Python have joined cricket, pubs and red double-decker buses on a growing list of England's national treasures.

More than 350,000 people have voted in a government-backed project to catalogue the icons which capture the essence of England.

Other new entries joining the list on Tuesday include the Oxford English Dictionary, Robin Hood, the Mini and the long-running BBC Radio 4 soap opera "The Archers".

"Choosing the things that most represent England has really got the nation's creative juices going," said Jerry Doyle, managing director of the Icons project.

The first wave of icons was announced in January. They included Stonehenge, the FA Cup and the humble cup of tea.

The Icons Web site (www.icons.org.uk) has received more than 600 nominations from the public.

A panel has picked more than 50 and listed them on the site with pictures, videos and stories explaining their history. 



本周二成为国宝新成员的还有牛津英语字典、罗宾汉、Mini汽车以及在BBC 广播四台播映了很久的肥皂剧《The Archers》。








long-running: 播映了很久的











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