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澳洲荆棘鸟: On a bad day
[ 2006-09-09 09:00 ]

 歌手简介Kasey Chambers总让我想到传说中的荆棘鸟,一只栖息于澳大利亚荒蔓枝条间的荆棘鸟。与澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem相比,Kasey Chambers肯定不是高贵的云雀,她没有动人的容颜,嗓音也不圆润、甚至不优美,但她的音质却很独特——高亢的声线不加一点修饰,随性的娃娃音里夹杂着几颗风沙尘粒,有那么一点点不羁,那么一点点野性……

 本网小评 就旋律和节奏而言,这支曲子并不是Kasey Chambers的代表作,但就歌曲的意境而言,它却是Kasey Chambers最棒的、最能打动人心。1000多年前,南唐后主李煜有一首词最为人熟知:“春花秋月何时了?往事知多少!…… 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。”1000多年之后,在澳洲歌手Kasey Chmabers忧伤的歌里,我们竟也能寻到伤痛的类似“不能承载之重”。


On a bad day      by   Kasey Chambers

Every time my tears
Have ever fallen
I keep 'em in my pocket
For a rainy day
So when it's pouring
I take them outside
I let the rain start washing
My tears away

But on a bad day
When hearts are breaking
There's not enough rain to carry
All the tears away

Everytime I'm blue
I take my feeling
I hold it tighter
And I don't let go
And when the sky gets whiter
And the air is colder
I throw my feeling
To the falling snow

But on a bad day
When hearts are breaking
There's not enough snow to carry
All the blues away

Every time my heart
My heart starts breaking
I take this pain
And I hold it down
And I wait for the wailing
When the wind is comin'
And my pain is blowin'
Through another town

But on a bad day
When hearts are breaking
There's not enough wind to carry
All the pain away

Every time my tears
Have ever falling
I keep 'em in my pocket
For a rainy day


看到blue,但愿您别满脸不屑,它是简单词不假,但简单词的使用频率往往最高,而且简单词的词义往往一抓一大把,实在难以把握。不信?猜猜baby bluesblue movieout of the blue 是什么意思?

先谈歌中的“I'm blue”和“carry all the blues away”。对于blue表“忧郁”,大家并不陌生。歌中的这两个短语词义相同,指“忧郁、沮丧”,其区别也就是在“词性”上,前者是形容词,后者是名词。所以,你想表达“我很郁闷,我很忧伤”都可以这么说:I'm blue/I am feeling blue/I have the blues today,或者“他看上去情绪低落”——He looks rather blue。

由于blue的这层“忧伤”含义,我们可能会在报刊杂志上看到baby blues(用来形容新妈妈的专有词汇),具体您可参考新闻热词baby blues

再谈blue movie。不知您是否注意到近段网上有关“流氓外教博客”的新闻报道,象流氓老外这种淫秽、肮脏的博客都可以用“blue blog”来形容。这样,blue movie的汉语意思也就不言而喻了,指的是“色情电影” 。

最后,再回忆一下out of the blue。如果您还记得六一儿童节时,我们的“六一”献礼:Forever young,您应该知道out of the blue的含义和用法。具体可参考歌中Words and phrases 部分。








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