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Quizzes 在线小测验
  语言,词汇,语法你掌握了多少? 网上挑战一下自己吧,看看自己魔高几丈?每周一期的互动式“Quiz Net (在线小测验)”及时检验你的学习成果。

Texting 发短信
[ 2006-09-18 08:00 ]


Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6
1 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? cul8r
See you at 8 o'clock
Looking forward to seeing you soon
See you soon
See you later
2 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? cu2nite
See you later
See you tonight
See you soon
See you at 2 o'clock
3 What emotion does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? :-)
4 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? gonna bl8
I'm going to be late
I'll be there at 8 o'clock
I'll see you soon
I love you
5 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? ru@school?
I hate school
I failed my exam
I'm late for school
Are you at school?
6 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? LOL
Laughing out loud
I'm crying
I'm going to be late
I love you lots





  Texting 发短信
  Doing Business 做生意
  New Words 新词汇
  Business 商务常用词
  Mexico 墨西哥