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爆安妮斯顿男友“不忠” 媒体惹官司
[ 2006-10-18 10:14 ]




Jennifer Aniston at the premiere of 'The Break-Up' in Los Angeles, May 22, 2006. Vince Vaughn and Aniston are still a couple despite tabloid press reports to the contrary and recent photographs showing the comic actor kissing a mystery blonde, a London lawyer said on Tuesday. (Phil McCarten/Reuters)

Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston are still a couple despite tabloid press reports to the contrary and recent photographs showing the comic actor kissing a mystery blonde, a London lawyer said on Tuesday.  

The lawyer, Simon Smith, said he had been instructed by Vaughn to sue Britain's Sun and Mirror newspapers and the New York Post for publishing a photo of the actor "kissing a mystery blonde whilst attending a charity event ... at London's Old Vic theater."

He added that the articles suggested that Vaughn was either unfaithful to Aniston, the ex-wife of movie star Brad Pitt, or that their relationship had ended.

In fact, he said, the couple's relationship was continuing and the suggestion he was being unfaithful to the former "Friends" star was false.

A spokesman for Vaughn confirmed that Smith was representing the actor in the legal action and that the Hollywood pair, who recently co-starred in the film "The Break-Up," were still a couple off-screen.

Aniston and Vaughn had until recently gone to great lengths not to discuss or reveal their relationship, which began after her marriage to Pitt collapsed.  



sue: 起诉









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