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Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之三
[ 2006-10-20 10:24 ]




文化面面观  Chaim Soutine & Ansel Adams

考考你  一展身手



Betty: What is that?

Katherine: You tell me. Carcass by Soutine. 1925.

Susan Delacorte: It's not on the syllabus.

Katherine: No; it's not. Is it any good? Come on; ladies. There's no wrong answer. There's also no textbook telling you what to think. It's not that easy; is it?

Betty: All right. No. It's not good. In fact; I wouldn't even call it art. It's grotesque.

Connie Baker: Is there a rule against art being grotesque?

Giselle Levy: I think there's something aggressive about it...and erotic.

Betty: To you; everything is erotic.

Giselle: Everything is erotic.

Katherine: Girls.

Susan: Aren't there standards? 

Betty: Of course there are. Otherwise a tacky velvet painting could be equated to a Rembrandt.

Connie: My uncle Ferdie has two tacky velvet paintings. He loves those clowns.

Betty: There are standards; technique; composition; color; even subject. So if you're suggesting that rotted side of meat is art... much less good art; then what are we going to learn?

Katherine: Just that. You have outlined our new syllabus; Betty. Thank you. What is art? What makes it good or bad? And who decides? Next slide; please. Twenty five years ago someone thought this was brilliant.

Connie: I can see that.

Betty: Who?

Katherine: My mother. I painted it for her birthday.

Katherine: Next slide. This is my mom. Is it art?

Susan Delacorte: It's a snapshot.

Katherine: If I told you Ansel Adams had taken it, would that make a difference?

Betty: Art isn't art until someone says it is.

Katherine: It's art!

Betty: The right people.

Katherine: Who are they?

Giselle: Betty Warren! So lucky we have one right here.

Betty: Screw you.

Katherine: Could you go back to the Soutine, please? Just look at it again. Look beyond the paint. Let us try to open our minds to a new idea. All right; back to chapter three. Has anyone read it? Okay.


1. grotesque

这是这部电影里经常碰到的一个单词,意思是“(风格)奇异,古怪,荒诞的”。我们来看个例子:Everything seemed strange, so tawdry and grotesque. 一切都很新奇,很花哨,有点滑稽可笑。

在口语中还有一些其它常用的词来表示“奇怪的”这一意思的词,出现频率都很高。比如 weird,如:Sabrina went out with Linus? That's too weird. 莎宾娜和莱纳斯出去约会了?简直太奇怪了!


Odd,如 It's odd that she should have kept such an ugly name as Ellen. 真奇怪她居然一直用埃伦这么个难听的名字。

Bizarre,如:For him, it was a bizarre and tedious experience. 对他来说这是一次奇特而又乏味的经历。

2. aggressive

e.g. He is an aggressive young executive. 他是一个进取心很强的年轻管理员。

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