齐达内头击激发灵感 意大利设计新款休闲服 [ 2006-12-28 09:23 ]
齐达内在2006年世界杯决赛上顶翻马特拉齐一事至今仍被很多人“津津乐道”,而这件事引发出的商业项目也已经横跨众多领域。近期,一位年轻的意大利时装设计师表示,世界杯头击事件激发了他的创作灵感,在这一灵感的感召下,他设计了一套新款休闲服,服装上印有一个男人头顶另一个男人的标识。此前就“头击事件”开发的商业项目还包括歌曲、游戏、广告和图书。 |
Italy's Marco Materazzi falls on the pitch after being head-butted
by France's Zinedine Zidane (R) during their World Cup 2006 final soccer
match in Berlin July 9, 2006. |
An Italian
fashion designer has put out a range
of leisurewear infiltrated of
Zinedine Zidane's headbutt on Marco
Materazzi in this year's World Cup final.
The logo on Alessandro
Ferrari's new line of t-shirts and fleeces features a man headbutting another
The two figures are set beside a target symbol made up of the colours of the
French and Italian flags, signifying the coming together of the two nations
after the final.
"The idea came to me on a wave of emotion after Italy won the World Cup,"
Ferrari was quoted as saying by Italian news agency Fidest.
"After Zidane's headbutt on Materazzi I thought of turning that unsavoury act
into a positive social message aimed at the youngsters, and at the same time
offering a trendy product of high quality.
The Zidane-Materazzi incident triggered a whole host of commercial
spin-offs, including songs, video
games and joke books.
Materazzi recently published a book entitled: "What I really said to Zidane",
which includes phrases he might have said to the former France captain. The
proceeds from the book are going to children's charities.
Zidane was sent off in the second period of extra time in the July 9 World
Cup final for head-butting Materazzi, who had insulted the French midfielder.
Zidane retired from football after the World Cup, which France lost to Italy
in penalty shootout after finishing
1-1draw in regular time.
(英语点津陈蓓编辑) |