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Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲之五)
[ 2007-01-31 20:09 ]

影片对白  It's gonna take a little more than digging a few holes. There are eyes, ears, dots that couldn't be connected from the outside.

文化面面观  San Juan & Jamba Juice

2. Jamba Juice

Jamba Juice is a chain of smoothie restaurants headquartered in San Francisco, California with 533 locations operating in 26 states, the District of Columbia and the Bahamas. 324 locations are company-owned and 209 locations are franchised. For the 12 months ending January 10, 2006, system wide sales were $345 million, which included sales of $230 million from company locations. The company has achieved a compound annual growth rate of 20% per year over the last three fiscal years.

Jamba Juice was founded by Kirk Perron, Joe Vergara, Kevin Peters, and Linda Olds in 1990 as California Juice Club in San Luis Obispo, California. In 1995 Juice Club changed its name to Jamba Juice. It is known as one of the top smoothie stores worldwide. The company's website claims that "Jamba" derives from the "African" word "Jama," which means "to celebrate, taking care of body, mind and soul is a way of celebrating life."

Jamba has an operating agreement with Whole Foods to sell only "natural" products inside some of their locations, which includes their smoothies' ingredients. For this reason, offerings at Whole Foods sites may differ from those at stand-alone sites.


据说 Michael 是有“低危忧郁症”的,这样的人天生就对环境刺激特别敏感,并比普通人容易在更短的时间内接收并处理更多更综合的信息,看到一件东西能立刻联想到特别多的事情。如果这种能力出现在低智商的人身上,那么这个人就可能得到精神病;如果这种能力出现在高智商的人身上,那么这个人就会是天才,有着极高的创造力。万幸的是,我们的 Michael 是个智商极高的人,看看他设计出来的越狱计划,他纹在身上的密码,还有他在这么短的时间内组织越狱队伍的能力,说他是个天才真是一点都不过分。不过,不知这个天才有没有想到过和他在一起的亡命徒出狱后还是会继续作恶,以他的智慧应该知道这些人是不可能改好的吧,越狱的后果他想过了么?



1. 最近有伙劫匪专门持枪抢劫银行。
2. 在我们镇他可是个大人物。
3. 这个协议比看起来要复杂的多。

Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲之四)考考你 参考答案

Haywire: Whatever. Ah! I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back. Bye, now. Get out of the way.

Michael: You know, maybe they give you those things for a reason.

Haywire: Yeah. To keep me dull. To keep me in their invisible freakin' handcuffs. Seriously, though, those tattoos, they're beautiful. You mind if I, you know, look at the whole thing?

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