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The devil wears Prada 《时尚女魔头》(精讲之四)
[ 2007-03-12 16:42 ]

文化面面观  时装设计师 Christian Dior 和 John Rocha

我观之我见  工作上变得顺利的Andy在感情和亲情上却开始遭遇危机……

考考你  一展身手



Andy: Hi.

Nigel: Hi. All right. Turn around, darling.

Andy: Oh, I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. The piece is called "urban jungle", right?

Nigel: Yes, the modern woman unleashes the animal within to take on the big city. Good. Go. Sometimes I can't believe I talk about this crap all day. Bobby, come here.

Andy: Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Nigel: Let me see. Make sure Miranda gets these as soon as possible.

Andy: Mm-hmm.

Nigel: And tell her I switched in the Dior for the Rocha.

Andy: Oh, great. Can't wait.

Nigel: Excuse me. Can we adjust the attitude?

Andy: I'm sorry.

Nigel: Don't make me feed you to one of the models.

Andy: Sorry. It's a busy day. My personal life is hanging by a thread, that's all.

Nigel: Oh, join the club. That's what happens when you start doing well at work, darling. Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion.


1. Take on

Take on 常用的意思有下面几种:

1) Undertake or begin to deal with,例如:I took on new responsibilities.

2) Hire, engage,例如:We take on extra workers during the busy season.

3) Oppose in competition,例如:This young wrestler was willing to take on all comers.

4) Acquire as, or as if, one's own, 例如:He took on the look of a prosperous banker.

5) Display strong emotion, 例如:Don't take on so.

在本段中,take on使用的是第三种意思,意思是"这套时装设计是表示现代女性们用野性来对抗城市的禁锢"。

2. Hang by a thread

这个片语也写作hang by a hair,意思是"depend on a small thing or be at risk",例如:
His life now hangs by a thread. 他命悬一线。

这个表达来自一个关于Damocles的传说。Damocles是Syracuse国王Dionysius的一个大臣。国王厌烦了Damocles的阿谀奉承,邀请他前来赴宴,并让他坐在仅用一根头发悬吊的利剑下面,来警示他所处地位的危险。Damocles' sword 也成为一个表达,表示"即将到来的危险",例如:The likelihood of lay-offs has been a sword of Damocles over the department for months. 部门可能要裁员的消息让这几个月来每个人都提心吊胆。

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